Awesomenauts Wiki

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If you don't know what is an hide area, see here

Field Description Possible values Type
name The name of the textures you want to make disappear Text
influencedByName Name of the button you want the HideArea to effect Text
hasGraphics Enable to let the game generate a texture for the HideArea Yes / No
transparencyWhenActivate The transparency of the texture connected to the HideArea 0 till 1 Number

Additional notes[ | ]

  • When the hideArea is activated by a button the texture connected to the HideArea will be transparent for everyone
  • If influencedByName isn't empty the hideArea will only work for the button (walking on it no longer does anything)
  • If allowProceduralLevelArt is ticked on the levelConfiguration object you won't have to do anything to make the hideArea work
  • If allowProceduralLevelArt isn't ticked on the levelConfiguration object you need to follow the following steps:
    1. Create a texture, give it a textureName and set its depth to a negative value
    2. Set influencedName to something like "bushHideArea0" (You can set it to whatever you want)
    3. Place the texture where you want the players to hide (they should be behind the texture)
    4. Create an hideArea and set his name to "bushHideArea0" (The same name as specied above)
    5. Place the hideArea at the same place of the texture and adjust its size to match the texture
    6. If everything is done properly, the texture you created should disappear when you enter the hideArea
  • You can't activate an hideArea using the influenceOnDeath of a turret
  • Always close the editor (F7) to test hideArea
  • It's possible to make a texture visible only when someone is in an hideArea:
    1. Create a texture, set "colourCombineModeAlpha" to multiply
    2. Set the last box of colourRGBA to 0 (the alpha one)
    3. Set transparencyWhenInfluenced to 255
    4. The texture should be invisible except when the hideArea is active