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This is a full list of SoundGroups that can be used with PlaySound as of 4.3.3

MISC[ | ]

* AnnouncerCocoPreview
* AnnouncerDefaultPreview
* AnnouncerDocuPreview
* AnnouncerGnawPreview
* AnnouncerHorrorPreview
* AnnouncerPreview
* AnnouncerSingerPreview
* AnnouncerSkreePreview
* AnnouncerSlowwolfPreview
* AnnouncerSusiPreview
* announcerTheCollectionPreview
* AnnouncerVoltarPreview
* AnnouncerWraithlordPreview
* AnnouncerXipangPreview
* assist_cheers
* assist_sparkles
* BaseStage5
* BowncerBAtck1
* BowncerBLand
* BulletExplTUC
* CrumpleShieldStartLayer002
* CrumpleUnlocked
* CrumpleUnlocked002
* dieCocoN
* dieCocoN004
* dieCocoN005
* dieWakuWaku002
* DrillBaseStage4
* DroppodMenuJingle0
* DroppodMenuJingle1
* DroppodMenuJingle2
* DroppodMenuJingle3
* ElliptoDinoDespawn
* ElliptoFallWind002
* ElliptoLand002
* EndGame_Assassin001
* EndGame_Bird001
* EndGame_Blazer001
* EndGame_Blinker001
* EndGame_Boizor001
* EndGame_Brute001
* EndGame_Butterfly001
* EndGame_Captain001
* EndGame_Chameleon001
* EndGame_Commando001
* EndGame_Cowboy001
* EndGame_Crawler001
* EndGame_Dasher001
* EndGame_Dizzy001
* EndGame_Dizzy002
* EndGame_Ellipto001
* EndGame_Heavy001
* EndGame_Hunter001
* EndGame_Hyper001
* EndGame_Jetter001
* EndGame_Maw001
* EndGame_Paladin001
* EndGame_Shaman001
* EndGame_Shifter001
* EndGame_Spy001
* EndGame_Summoner001
* EndGame_Tank001
* EndGame_Vampire001
* EndGame_WakuWaku002
* EndGame_Warrior001
* EndGame_Wozzle001
* explosionBulletFlying
* explosionBulletGrenade
* explosionBulletRocket
* explosionBulletSelfdestruct
* explosionMine
* ExplosionTower
* Freepoints_Loop
* jumppad
* kill_WakuWaku002
* KilledShamanByCommando
* landHardCreepCharger
* landHardCreepPart
* landSoftCreepCharger
* LeaveCharacterMenu
* LeaveLevelMenu
* LeavePartyMenu
* lern2play
* lern2play10
* lern2play11
* lern2play12
* lern2play13
* lern2play2
* lern2play3
* lern2play4
* lern2play5
* lern2play6
* lern2play6b
* lern2play7
* lern2play8
* lern2play9
* MawKillBull
* menuButtonDisabled
* menuCharacterSelect
* menuCharacterSelectGoClick
* menuCharacterSelectGoRollover
* menuCharacterSelectSkin
* menuCharacterSelectTeleport
* menuChatNotification
* menuCheckboxOff
* menuCheckboxOn
* menuCustomReadyClick
* menuCustomReadyRollover
* menuCustomSwitch
* menuDropdownClose
* menuDropdownOpen
* menuFriendDeclineParty
* menuFriendJoinParty
* menuGeneralButtonClick_1
* menuGeneralButtonClick_2
* menuGeneralRollover
* menuInvited
* menuInviteFriend
* menuJoinedGame
* menuOtherPlayerReady
* menuRemovePlayerInvite
* menuSearchingForGame
* menuSelectGameMode
* menuSelectionMoveDisabled
* menuStatusDisconnected
* menuStatusInitialising
* metagameDroppodPurchase
* metagamePurchaseComplete
* metagamePurchaseFailed
* noSound
* PainImpactClunk
* PainImpactMaw003
* PainImpactRascal
* PainImpactRascal002
* painLittleCocoN
* painLittleCocoN004
* painLittleCocoN005
* painLittleCreepBowncer
* painLittleCreepBull
* painLittleCreepCharger
* painLittleCreepPart
* painLittleCreepSummonDrone
* painLittleWakuWaku002
* painLotsCocoN
* painLotsCocoN004
* painLotsCocoN005
* painLotsWakuWaku002
* pauseMenuClose
* pauseMenuOpen
* playerAttack_WakuWaku002
* playerDefend_WakuWaku002
* PlayerHasSpawned_WakuWaku002
* playerHelp_WakuWaku002
* PlayerReplaced
* playerSpree_WakuWaku002
* playerTaunt_WakuWaku002
* PoacherUnlocked
* PoacherUnlocked002
* rascalBulletImpact
* RascalBulletLoop_Big_002
* RascalBulletLoop_Small_002
* RascalSkill_Explode
* RascalSkill_Explode002
* SheepDie
* shopBuy_WakuWaku002
* shopscreen1
* shopscreen2
* Spaceship_Sht1
* Spaceship_Sht4
* SpaceShipS1
* TankChickenMenu
* TeleporterActivate
* TeleporterActivateIn
* TeleporterActivateOut
* TeleporterLoopIn
* TeleporterLoopOut
* turretCollapse
* waitingForOtherPlayersFinalCountDownStarted
* WakuWakuBaseAttack002
* WakuWakuChosen002
* WakuWakuSkill1Voice002
* WakuWakuSkill2Voice002
* WakuWakuTeleport002
* WakuWakuTeleportSelf002
* WakuWakuUnlocked002


* AlmostDestroyedBase
* AlmostDestroyedTurret
* AlmostDestroyedTurretBottom
* AlmostDestroyedTurretTop
* AtEnemyBase
* CreepKilledPlayer_AllyTarget
* CreepKilledPlayer_Enemy
* CreepKilledPlayer_Target
* DestroyedTurret
* DestroyedTurretBottom
* DestroyedTurretTop
* DoubleKill
* EnemyAtBase
* FirstBlood
* gameOverDefeat
* gameOverVictory
* KilledEntireTeam
* KilledPlayer_AllyDied (Sound played when an ally was killed)
* KilledPlayer_EnemyDied (Sound played when someone(not you) killed an enemy)
* KilledPlayer_SelfDied (Sound played when you are killed)
* KilledPlayer_SelfKilled (Sound when you killed someone)
* KillingSpreeA_Ally (sounds when an ally reaches Killing spree stage 1)
* KillingSpreeA_Enemy (sounds when an enemy reaches Killing spree stage 1)
* KillingSpreeA_Self (sounds when you reach Killing spree stage 1)
* KillingSpreeB_Ally (sounds when an ally reaches Killing spree stage 2 (Killingmachine))
* KillingSpreeB_Enemy (sounds when an enemy reaches Killing spree stage 2)
* KillingSpreeB_Self (sounds when you reach Killing spree stage 2 (Killingmachine))
* KillingSpreeC_Ally (sounds when an ally reaches Killing spree stage 3 (LEGENDARY))
* KillingSpreeC_Enemy (sounds when an enemy reaches Killing spree stage 3)
* KillingSpreeC_Self (sounds when you reach Killing spree stage 3 (LEGENDARY))
* MinionsHaveSpawned (no types ANNOUNCER: always play --> 11/11/2014 we did limit these to 1!)
* MinionsSpawn (no types ANNOUNCER: always play)
* PlayerDisconnect
* PlayerReconnect
* respawnTick0
* respawnTick1 (no types ANNOUNCER: always play)
* respawnTick10
* respawnTick2 (no types ANNOUNCER: always play)
* respawnTick3 (no types ANNOUNCER: always play)
* respawnTick4 (no types ANNOUNCER: always play)
* respawnTick5 (no types ANNOUNCER: always play)
* shopBuyFailNotEnoughMoneyAnnouncer
* TeamKillingSpreeA_Blue (Sounds when Blue Team is dominating)
* TeamKillingSpreeA_Red (Sounds when red team is dominating)
* TeamKillingSpreeB_Blue (Sounds when Blue Team is dominating)
* TeamKillingSpreeB_Red (Sounds when red team is dominating)
* TeamKillingSpreeC_Blue
* TeamKillingSpreeC_Red
* TrippleKill (This one is currently not being used)
* TurretDestroyed
* TurretDestroyedBottom
* TurretDestroyedTop
* UnderAttackBase
* UnderAttackTurret
* UnderAttackTurretBottom
* UnderAttackTurretTop


* APLcommunitybutton
* Bird003communitybutton
* Commando002communitybutton
* Commando003communitybutton
* Commando003discocommunitybutton
* Commando003ladiescommunitybutton
* Screencommunitybutton
* Sparkcommunitybutton
* sparklecommunitybutton
* Starstormcommunitybutton
* Starstormmusiccommunitybutton
* Starstormtrailercommunitybutton
* Susicommunitybutton
* swooshcommunitybutton
* Tedmusictrailercommunitybutton
* Tedmusictrailermusiccommunitybutton


* AssassinBaseAttack
* AssassinChosen001
* AssassinJoltVoice (Jolt = Enery pulse)
* AssassinJoltVoice002 (Jolt = Enery pulse)
* AssassinJoltVoice003 (Jolt = Enery pulse)
* AssassinPounceVoice
* AssassinPounceVoice002
* AssassinPounceVoice003
* AssassinTeleport (teleport (heard by others) set attenuation on this sound.)
* AssassinTeleportSelf (Two variations for the sounds characters make when teleporting, TeleportSelf is the sound that the player that teleports hears, don't set attenuation on this sound. Teleport is heard by others.)
* dieAssassin
* kill_Assassin
* KilledCommandoByAssassin
* KilledShamanByAssassin
* KilledSpyByAssassin
* painLittleAssassin
* painLotsAssassin
* playerAttack_Assassin
* playerDefend_Assassin
* PlayerHasSpawned_Assassin
* playerHelp_Assassin
* playerSpree_Assassin
* playerTaunt_Assassin
* shopBuy_Assassin
* SpawnedStarstormAssassin


* AssassinBaseAttack002


* AssassinBaseAttack003


* AssassinUnlocked


* awesome (awesome acapella is used as victory sound after enemybase explodes)

SKOLLDIR002[ | ]

* AxeFistImpact (This is Skolldir002 combo 3 actual fist hit)
* BruteFistHit (This is Skolldir002 combo 1and2 actual fist hit)
* PainImpactBrute002 (Impact sounds welke altijd moeten klinken wanneer een character geraakt wordt! Onderscheid maken tussen metal en Flesh impacts per karakter.)
* shootBruteFist002 (This is Skolldir002 combo 1and2)
* shootBruteFistCharge002 (This is Skolldir002 combo 3)
* shootBruteFistImpact002 (This is Skolldir002 combo 3)
* WalkBruteLeft002
* WalkBruteRight002
* wooshBruteFist002 (This is Skolldir002 combo 3)

BASE[ | ]

* Base
* BaseBubbles
* BaseBubbles2
* BaseBubbles3
* BaseBubbles4
* BaseExpl
* baserattle
* baserattle2
* basespark1
* basespark2
* basespark3
* Basesparkstage3
* Basesparkstage5
* BaseStage2
* BaseStage3
* BaseStage4
* Basestage4expl
* basesteam1
* basesteam2
* basesteam3
* basesteam4end
* DrillBase
* DrillBaseStage2
* DrillBaseStage3


* BirdChosen001
* BirdTeleport (teleport (heard by others) set attenuation on this sound.)
* BirdTeleportSelf (Two variations for the sounds characters make when teleporting, TeleportSelf is the sound that the player that teleports hears, don't set attenuation on this sound. Teleport is heard by others.)
* DashVinnieVoice
* dieBird
* kill_Bird
* painLittleBird
* painLotsBird
* playerAttack_Bird
* playerDefend_Bird
* PlayerHasSpawned_Bird
* playerHelp_Bird
* playerSpree_Bird
* playerTaunt_Bird
* shopBuy_Bird
* SmokeScreenVinnieVoice


* BirdUnlocked

COCO[ | ]

* BlazerAttack
* BlazerDetonate
* BlazerDetXpl
* BlazerFlip
* BlazerJump
* BlazerJump004
* BlazerWalk
* BlazeSparks
* jumpDownCocoN
* PainImpactBlazer (Impact sounds welke altijd moeten klinken wanneer een character geraakt wordt! Onderscheid maken tussen metal en Flesh impacts per karakter.)

COCO005[ | ]

* BlazerAttack005
* BlazerAttackStart005
* BlazerBall005
* BlazerBlaze005
* BlazerDetonate005
* BlazerFlip005
* BlazerJump005
* BlazerShootBall005
* BlazerWalk005
* PainImpactBlazer005 (Impact sounds welke altijd moeten klinken wanneer een character geraakt wordt! Onderscheid maken tussen metal en Flesh impacts per karakter.)

VOICE_COCO005[ | ]

* BlazerBaseVoice005
* BlazerChosen005
* BlazerSkill1Voice005
* BlazerSkill2Voice005
* BlazerTeleport005 (Teleport (heard by others) set attenuation on this sound.)
* BlazerTeleportSelf005 (Two variations for the sounds characters make when teleporting, TeleportSelf is the sound that the player that teleports hears, don't set attenuation on this sound. Teleport is heard by others.)
* EndGame_Blazer005
* kill_Blazer005
* playerAttack_Blazer005
* playerDefend_Blazer005
* PlayerHasSpawned_Blazer005
* playerHelp_Blazer005
* playerSpree_Blazer005
* playerTaunt_Blazer005
* shopBuy_Blazer005


* BlazerChosen001
* BlazerSkill2Voice
* BlazerTeleport (teleport (heard by others) set attenuation on this sound.)
* BlazerTeleportSelf (Two variations for the sounds characters make when teleporting, TeleportSelf is the sound that the player that teleports hears, don't set attenuation on this sound. Teleport is heard by others.)
* CostumeCoco
* kill_Blazer
* playerAttack_Blazer
* playerDefend_Blazer
* PlayerHasSpawned_Blazer
* playerHelp_Blazer
* playerSpree_Blazer
* playerTaunt_Blazer
* shopBuy_Blazer

VOICE_COCO004[ | ]

* BlazerChosen004
* BlazerTeleport004 (teleport (heard by others) set attenuation on this sound.)
* BlazerTeleportSelf004 (Two variations for the sounds characters make when teleporting, TeleportSelf is the sound that the player that teleports hears, don't set attenuation on this sound. Teleport is heard by others.)
* EndGame_Blazer004
* kill_Blazer004
* playerAttack_Blazer004
* playerDefend_Blazer004
* PlayerHasSpawned_Blazer004
* playerHelp_Blazer004
* playerSpree_Blazer004
* playerTaunt_Blazer004
* shopBuy_Blazer004


* BlazerDet
* Bullet_Charge1 (Deze bullet fly nog checken)
* Bullet_Charge2
* Bullet_Charge3
* BulletBounce
* BulletEpic
* BulletGnaw
* BulletSplitter
* Grenade
* GrenadeFlash
* movingBulletMine
* movingBulletRocket
* movingbulletSuper
* movingBulletTank
* movingEasyTurret
* movingMissileCreepBoss
* movingStandardTurret
* movingTutorialTurret

COCO004[ | ]

* BlazerFlip004
* BlazerIdle1004
* BlazerIdle2004
* BlazerWalk004
* PainImpactBlazer004 (Impact sounds welke altijd moeten klinken wanneer een character geraakt wordt! Onderscheid maken tussen metal en Flesh impacts per karakter.)


* BlazerUnlocked

COCO001[ | ]

* BlazerWalkSkin1

YURI[ | ]

* blinkDisappear
* BulletMineActive
* BulletMineActive1
* JetterJetpack
* JetterMine1
* JetterMine2
* JetterMine3
* JetterMineExplosion
* JetterMineRepeater
* JetterTimeBubbleStart1
* JetterTimeBubbleStart2
* jumpJetter
* landHardJetter
* landSoftJetter
* laserBeam
* PainImpactJetter (Impact sounds welke altijd moeten klinken wanneer een character geraakt wordt! Onderscheid maken tussen metal en Flesh impacts per karakter.)
* patrolMine (is this one still being used??)
* TimeBubble
* TimeBubbleStart
* TimeBubbleStop
* WalkJetter1
* WalkJetter2

NIBBS002[ | ]

* Blinker002ClawAttack
* Blinker002FireBreath
* Blinker002FireBreathExtend
* Blinker002HeadAttack
* Blinker002ShadowWalkFire
* Blinker002ShadowWalkFireBallStart
* Blinker002TeleportKlang
* Blinker002TeleportSwoosh

NIBBS[ | ]

* BlinkerAttackClaw
* BlinkerAttackClaw003
* BlinkerAttackHead
* BlinkerAttackHead003
* BlinkerBiteImpact
* BlinkerClawImpact
* BlinkerFireBreath
* BlinkerFireBreathExtend
* BlinkerShadowWalkFire
* BlinkerShadowWalkFire003
* BlinkerShadowWalkFireBallEnd
* BlinkerShadowWalkFireBallEnd003
* BlinkerShadowWalkFireBallHeartbeat003
* BlinkerShadowWalkFireBallStart
* BlinkerShadowWalkFireBallWings
* BlinkerShadowWalkTeleport
* BlinkerShieldEnd
* BlinkerShieldLoop
* BlinkerShieldStart
* BlinkerTeleportFireBallLoop
* BlinkerTeleportFireBallLoop003
* BlinkerTeleportWingFlaps
* jumpBlinker
* jumpDownBlinker
* landHardBlinker
* landSoftBlinker
* PainImpactBlinker (Impact sounds welke altijd moeten klinken wanneer een character geraakt wordt! Onderscheid maken tussen metal en Flesh impacts per karakter.)
* SlideBlinker
* WalkBlinker
* WalkBlinkerLayer003


* BlinkerBaseAttack
* BlinkerChosen001
* BlinkerSkill1Voice
* BlinkerSkill2TeleSelfVoice
* BlinkerSkill2TeleVoice
* BlinkerTeleport (teleport (heard by others) set attenuation on this sound.)
* BlinkerTeleportSelf (Two variations for the sounds characters make when teleporting, TeleportSelf is the sound that the player that teleports hears, don't set attenuation on this sound. Teleport is heard by others.)
* dieBlinker
* kill_Blinker
* KilledCommandoByBlinker
* KilledSentryByBlinker
* KilledShamanByBlinker
* KilledSpyByBlinker
* painLittleBlinker
* painLotsBlinker
* playerAttack_Blinker
* playerDefend_Blinker
* PlayerHasSpawned_Blinker
* playerHelp_Blinker
* playerSpree_Blinker
* playerTaunt_Blinker
* shopBuy_Blinker


* BlinkerBaseAttack002
* BlinkerChosen002
* BlinkerSkill1Voice002
* BlinkerSkill2TeleSelfVoice002
* BlinkerSkill2TeleVoice002
* BlinkerTeleport002 (teleport (heard by others) set attenuation on this sound.)
* BlinkerTeleportSelf002 (Two variations for the sounds characters make when teleporting, TeleportSelf is the sound that the player that teleports hears, don't set attenuation on this sound. Teleport is heard by others.)
* dieBlinker002
* EndGame_Blinker002
* kill_Blinker002
* KilledCommandoByBlinker002
* KilledSentryByBlinker002
* KilledShamanByBlinker002
* KilledSpyByBlinker002
* painLittleBlinker002
* painLotsBlinker002
* playerAttack_Blinker002
* playerDefend_Blinker002
* PlayerHasSpawned_Blinker002
* playerHelp_Blinker002
* playerSpree_Blinker002
* playerTaunt_Blinker002
* shopBuy_Blinker002

NIBBS003[ | ]

* BlinkerFireBreath003
* BlinkerFireBreathExtend003


* BlinkerUnlocked002


* Boizor002MeetPaladin004
* BoizorChosen002
* BoizorShoot002 (Boizor - Max Focus base attack Shooting (Flood Light))
* BoizorSkill1Voice002 (Boizor - Max Focus skill 1 voice Scene Illumination)
* BoizorSkill2Voice002 (Boizor - Max Focus skill 2 voice Slow-mo Shot)
* BoizorTeleport002 (teleport (heard by others) set attenuation on this sound.)
* BoizorTeleportSelf002 (Two variations for the sounds characters make when teleporting, TeleportSelf is the sound that the player that teleports hears, don't set attenuation on this sound. Teleport is heard by others.)
* dieBoizor002
* EndGame_Boizor002
* kill_Boizor002
* painLittleBoizor002
* painLotsBoizor002
* playerAttack_Boizor002
* playerDefend_Boizor002
* PlayerHasSpawned_Boizor002
* playerHelp_Boizor002
* playerSpree_Boizor002
* playerTaunt_Boizor002
* shopBuy_Boizor002


* BoizorAmpChargedSpark
* BoizorAmpChargedStart
* BoizorAmpChargingLayer
* BoizorAmpChargingLoop
* BoizorArmSlomo
* BoizorArmSlomoDone
* BoizorBeamShoot
* BoizorBeamShootLayerLoop
* BoizorBeamShootLonger
* BoizorBeamShootLongest
* BoizorDeployOrb
* BoizorIdleBlink1
* BoizorIdleBlink2
* BoizorIdleLoop
* BoizorOrbEnd
* BoizorOrbLoop
* BoizorOrbLoopJingleLayer
* BoizorShootAmpLayer
* BoizorShootNormal
* BoizorTeleportLayer
* BoizorWalkLayer
* BoizorWalkLoop

MAXFOCUS002[ | ]

* BoizorArmSlomo002
* BoizorArmSlomoDone002
* BoizorBeamShoot002
* BoizorBeamShootLonger002
* BoizorBeamShootLongest002
* BoizorDeployOrb002
* BoizorIdleLoop002
* BoizorOrbEnd002
* BoizorOrbLoop002
* BoizorShootNormal002
* BoizorWalkLoop002


* BoizorChosen001
* BoizorShoot (Boizor - Max Focus base attack Shooting (Flood Light))
* BoizorSkill1Voice (Boizor - Max Focus skill 1 voice Scene Illumination)
* BoizorSkill2Voice (Boizor - Max Focus skill 2 voice Slow-mo Shot)
* BoizorTeleport (teleport (heard by others) set attenuation on this sound.)
* BoizorTeleportSelf (Two variations for the sounds characters make when teleporting, TeleportSelf is the sound that the player that teleports hears, don't set attenuation on this sound. Teleport is heard by others.)
* dieBoizor
* kill_Boizor
* painLittleBoizor
* painLotsBoizor
* playerAttack_Boizor
* playerDefend_Boizor
* PlayerHasSpawned_Boizor
* playerHelp_Boizor
* playerSpree_Boizor
* playerTaunt_Boizor
* shopBuy_Boizor


* BowncerBAtck2 (This is the vomiting monster)
* BowncerBAtck3 (This is the vomiting monster)
* BowncerBWalk1 (solar creep boss that vomits)
* BowncerBWalk2 (solar creep boss that vomits)
* BowncerJump (This is the vomiting monster)
* landSoftCreepBowncer
* WalkBowncer1 (solar creep boss that vomits)
* WalkBowncer2 (solar creep boss that vomits)


* Breath_0 (Breathfire is being used by Brute003 and FIREBrute004)


* Breath_1 (IceBreath Skolldir ICEBRUTE 004)
* WalkBruteLeft004_1
* WalkBruteRight004_1
* WalkIceLayerLeft004_1
* WalkIceLayerRight004_1

SKOLLDIR003[ | ]

* BreathFire
* BruteThrow003
* FireFistImpact (This is Skolldir003 combo 3 actual fist hit)
* PainImpactBrute003 (Impact sounds welke altijd moeten klinken wanneer een character geraakt wordt! Onderscheid maken tussen metal en Flesh impacts per karakter.)
* shootBruteFist003 (This is Skolldir003 combo 1and2 actual fist hit)
* shootBruteFistCharge003
* shootBruteFistImpact003 (This is Skolldir003 combo 3 (voor combo 1and2 van skin003 zie skin001))
* wooshBruteFist003

SKOLLDIR004[ | ]

* Brute004_Throw_0
* Brute004_Throw_1 (This is skolldir004 ICEBRUTE throw)
* FireFistImpact004 (This is Skolldir004 FIREBRUTE combo 3 actual fist hit)
* jumpBrute004
* PainImpactBrute004 (Impact sounds welke altijd moeten klinken wanneer een character geraakt wordt! Onderscheid maken tussen metal en Flesh impacts per karakter.)
* shootBruteFist004_0 (This is Skolldir004 FIREBRUTE combo 1and2 actual fist hit)
* shootBruteFist004_1 (This is Skolldir004 ICEBRUTE combo 1and2 actual fist hit)
* shootBruteFistCharge004 (Skolldir 004 FIREBRUTE)
* shootBruteFistImpact004 (This is Skolldir004 FIREBRUTE combo 3 (voor combo 1and2 van skin004 zie skin001))
* wooshBruteFist004 (Skolldir 004 FIREBRUTE)


* BruteChosen001
* BruteStampVoice
* BruteTeleport (teleport (heard by others) set attenuation on this sound.)
* BruteTeleportSelf (Two variations for the sounds characters make when teleporting, TeleportSelf is the sound that the player that teleports hears, don't set attenuation on this sound. Teleport is heard by others.)
* BruteThrowVoice
* dieBrute
* kill_Brute
* painLittleBrute
* painLotsBrute
* playerAttack_Brute
* playerDefend_Brute
* PlayerHasSpawned_Brute
* playerHelp_Brute
* playerSpree_Brute
* playerTaunt_Brute
* shootBruteFistVoice
* shopBuy_Brute


* BruteChosen004
* EndGame_Brute004


* BruteFistImpactHit (This is Skolldir combo 1and2 actual fist hit)
* BruteFistImpactHit3 (This is Skolldir combo 3 actual fist hit)
* BruteGnomeExplode
* BruteStampCharge
* BruteStampExpl
* BruteStampImpact (Is this still being used?)
* BruteStampStart
* BruteThrow
* BruteThrowGnome
* BruteThrowSkinFire
* fartBrute
* jumpBrute
* jumpBruteBoost
* jumpDownBrute
* landHardBrute
* landSoftBrute
* PainImpactBrute (Impact sounds welke altijd moeten klinken wanneer een character geraakt wordt! Onderscheid maken tussen metal en Flesh impacts per karakter.)
* shootBruteFistCombSwoosh (This is Skolldir combo 3)
* shootBruteFistImpact (This is Skolldir combo 3)
* SlideBrute
* WalkBrute1
* WalkBrute2


* BruteStamp004_0
* BruteStampExpl004_0


* BruteStamp004_1
* BruteStampExpl004_1


* BruteUnlocked


* BullCreate
* BullCreateFoot
* BullEnd
* BulletHomingCboy
* BulletHomingCboyFly
* BullMoving
* BullMovingSkinMels
* BullPushHit
* CboyGrenadeExpl
* CboyGrenadeExplBigger
* CboyGrenadeExplBiggest
* CboyGrenadeExplFlash
* CboyHomingExpl
* CowboyChargeGrenade
* explosionBulletCowboy
* impactCowboy
* jumpCowboy
* jumpCowboyBoost
* jumpDownCowboy
* landHardCowboy
* landSoftCowboy
* PainImpactCowboy (Impact sounds welke altijd moeten klinken wanneer een character geraakt wordt! Onderscheid maken tussen metal en Flesh impacts per karakter.)
* shootBulletCowboy
* shootBulletRocket
* SlideCowboy
* summonCreepBull
* TeleportSoundLonestarSkin
* TeleportSoundLonestarStandard
* WalkCowboy1
* WalkCowboy2

LONESTAR004[ | ]

* BullCreate004
* BullCreateFoot004
* BullEnd004
* BullEndFadeout004
* BullImpact004
* BullMoving004
* BullPushHit004
* CboyGrenadeExpl004
* CboyGrenadeExplBigger004
* CboyGrenadeExplBiggest004
* CboyGrenadeExplFlash004
* landHardCowboy004
* landSoftCowboy004
* PainImpactCowboy004 (Impact sounds welke altijd moeten klinken wanneer een character geraakt wordt! Onderscheid maken tussen metal en Flesh impacts per karakter.)
* shootBulletCowboy004
* SlideCowboy004
* summonCreepBull004
* WalkCowboy1004
* WalkCowboy2004


* bulletDasherImpact
* dashCharger
* DasherSkillImpact
* DasherSpark
* dashShockwave
* explosionBulletDasher
* explosionBulletDasherClose
* FrogGroundPound
* FrogJumpChargeFull1
* FrogJumpChargeFullOnce
* FrogWhirlwind
* FrogWhirlwindDigital
* FrogWhirlwindWater
* jumpDasher
* jumpDownDasher
* landSoftDasher
* PainImpactDasher (Impact sounds welke altijd moeten klinken wanneer een character geraakt wordt! Onderscheid maken tussen metal en Flesh impacts per karakter.)
* shootBulletDasher
* shootBulletDasher004
* SlideDasher
* WalkDasher1
* WalkDasher2
* whirlwindActivate
* whirlwindDeactivate


* BulletImpactsHit (Impact sounds welke altijd moeten klinken wanneer een character geraakt wordt! Onderscheid maken tussen metal en Flesh impacts per karakter.)


* bulletshells
* shootStandardTurret
* turretStage3 (Turret Damaged)
* turretUnderAttackWarning
* underAttackAlmostDestroyedWarning

LONESTAR002[ | ]

* BullMovingSkin1

GENJI[ | ]

* ButterflyBulletStormExpl
* ButterflyBulletStormLoop
* ButterflyCocoonExplode
* ButterflyCocoonFly
* ButterflyCocoonHit
* ButterflyCocoonInside
* ButterflyCocoonLifesteal
* ButterflyCocoonPop
* ButterflyCocoonSpit
* ButterflyShieldActive
* ButterflyShieldEnd
* ButterflyShieldStart
* jumpButterfly
* jumpButterflyFly
* jumpButterflyFlyTinkle
* jumpDownButterfly
* landHardButterfly
* landSoftButterfly
* PainImpactButterfly (Impact sounds welke altijd moeten klinken wanneer een character geraakt wordt! Onderscheid maken tussen metal en Flesh impacts per karakter.)
* shootButterflyShot
* shootButterflyShotT
* SlideButterfly
* WalkButterfly1
* WalkButterfly2

GENJI004[ | ]

* ButterflyBulletStormLoop004
* ButterflyCocoonFly004
* ButterflyCocoonHit004
* ButterflyCocoonSpit004
* ButterflyShieldStart004
* ButterflyShieldStop004
* ButterFlyShoot004
* jumpButterflyFly004
* jumpButterflyFlyLayer004
* landHardButterfly004
* landSoftButterfly004
* WalkButterflyLeft004
* WalkButterflyRight004


* ButterflyChosen001
* ButterflyCocoonSpitVoice
* ButterflyShieldVoice
* ButterflyTeleport (teleport (heard by others) set attenuation on this sound.)
* ButterflyTeleportSelf (Two variations for the sounds characters make when teleporting, TeleportSelf is the sound that the player that teleports hears, don't set attenuation on this sound. Teleport is heard by others.)
* ButterflyTheGrey
* dieButterfly
* kill_Butterfly
* painLittleButterfly
* painLotsButterfly
* playerAttack_Butterfly
* playerDefend_Butterfly
* PlayerHasSpawned_Butterfly
* playerHelp_Butterfly
* playerSpree_Butterfly
* playerTaunt_Butterfly
* shopBuy_Butterfly


* ButterflyChosen004
* ButterflyCocoonSpitVoice004
* ButterflyShieldVoice004
* ButterflyTeleport004 (teleport (heard by others) set attenuation on this sound.)
* ButterflyTeleportSelf004 (Two variations for the sounds characters make when teleporting, TeleportSelf is the sound that the player that teleports hears, don't set attenuation on this sound. Teleport is heard by others.)
* dieButterfly004
* EndGame_Butterfly004
* kill_Butterfly004
* painLittleButterfly004
* painLotsButterfly004
* playerAttack_Butterfly004
* playerDefend_Butterfly004
* PlayerHasSpawned_Butterfly004
* playerHelp_Butterfly004
* playerSpree_Butterfly004
* playerTaunt_Butterfly004
* shopBuy_Butterfly004


* ButterflyUnlocked


* ButterflyUnlocked004


* ButtonEnd (CREEP/DRIOD container)
* ButtonStart (CREEP/DRIOD container)
* CrpDoorCl (DRIOD doors)
* CrpDoorCl1 (DRIOD doors)
* CrpDoorOpen (DRIOD doors)
* CrpDoorOpen1 (DRIOD doors)
* CrpDoorSmoke (DRIOD doors)
* CrpSpwnDoorCl (CREEP/DRIOD container)
* CrpSpwnDoorOp (CREEP/DRIOD container)
* IrisDoorEnd (iris door (layer of quarantine doors))
* IrisDoorStart (iris door (layer of quarantine doors))
* QrtDoorCl
* QrtDoorCl1
* QrtDoorCl2
* QrtDoorOpen
* QrtDoorOpen1
* QrtDoorOpen2


* CaptainAnchorAttach
* CaptainAnchorChain
* CaptainAnchorChainImpact
* CaptainAnchorChainLoop
* CaptainAnchorDamage
* CaptainAnchorDamageB
* CaptainAnchorDrop
* CaptainAnchorFire
* CaptainAnchorPickup1
* CaptainAnchorReturn
* CaptainAttack1
* CaptainAttack2
* CaptainBulletImpact
* CaptainChainbase
* CaptainChainbaseFlash
* CaptainChainbaseLoop
* CaptainHookend
* CaptainKiteAim
* CaptainShoot
* jumpCaptain
* jumpDownCaptain
* landHardCaptain
* landSoftCaptain
* PainImpactCaptain (Impact sounds welke altijd moeten klinken wanneer een character geraakt wordt! Onderscheid maken tussen metal en Flesh impacts per karakter.)
* SlideCaptain
* WalkCaptain
* WalkCaptainLoop


* CaptainChosen001
* CaptainSkill1Voice
* CaptainSkill1VoiceAttach
* CaptainSkill2Voice
* CaptainTeleport (teleport (heard by others) set attenuation on this sound.)
* CaptainTeleportSelf (Two variations for the sounds characters make when teleporting, TeleportSelf is the sound that the player that teleports hears, don't set attenuation on this sound. Teleport is heard by others.)
* dieCaptain
* kill_Captain
* painLittleCaptain
* painLotsCaptain
* playerAttack_Captain
* playerDefend_Captain
* PlayerHasSpawned_Captain
* playerHelp_Captain
* playerSpree_Captain
* playerTaunt_Captain
* shopBuy_Captain


* CaptainChosen002
* CaptainSkill1Voice002
* CaptainSkill1VoiceAttach002
* CaptainSkill2Voice002
* CaptainTeleport002 (teleport (heard by others) set attenuation on this sound.)
* CaptainTeleportSelf002 (Two variations for the sounds characters make when teleporting, TeleportSelf is the sound that the player that teleports hears, don't set attenuation on this sound. Teleport is heard by others.)
* dieCaptain002
* EndGame_Captain002
* kill_Captain002
* painLittleCaptain002
* painLotsCaptain002
* playerAttack_Captain002
* playerDefend_Captain002
* PlayerHasSpawned_Captain002
* playerHelp_Captain002
* playerSpree_Captain002
* playerTaunt_Captain002
* shopBuy_Captain002


* CaptainKiteAim003
* jumpCaptain003
* jumpDownCaptain003
* landHardCaptain003
* landSoftCaptain003
* PainImpactCaptain003 (Impact sounds welke altijd moeten klinken wanneer een character geraakt wordt! Onderscheid maken tussen metal en Flesh impacts per karakter.)
* SlideCaptain003
* WalkCaptain003


* CaptainUnlocked


* Cat1
* Cat2
* Cat3
* Cat4
* HeavyTrap
* HeavyTrapHitExplode
* HeavyTrapHitLoop
* HeavyTrapLoop
* HeavyTrapUse
* jumpDownHeavy
* PainImpactHeavy (Impact sounds welke altijd moeten klinken wanneer een character geraakt wordt! Onderscheid maken tussen metal en Flesh impacts per karakter.)
* shootHeavy2
* shootHeavyLayer
* TurretguyFire1
* TurretguyFire2
* TurretGuyFireLayer
* TurretguyJump
* TurretGuyJumpLayer
* TurretguyLand
* TurretguySlide
* TurretguyTransform
* TurretguyTransformBack
* TurretguyTurretLaunch
* WalkTurretguy1
* WalkTurretguy2
* ZorkNuke
* ZorkShield
* ZorkShieldStart


* ChameleonChosen001
* ChameleonEnterStealthVoice
* ChameleonTeleport (teleport (heard by others) set attenuation on this sound.)
* ChameleonTeleportSelf (Two variations for the sounds characters make when teleporting, TeleportSelf is the sound that the player that teleports hears, don't set attenuation on this sound. Teleport is heard by others.)
* CharacterPreview (This plays when you adjust character voice volume)
* dieChameleon
* kill_Chameleon
* painLittleChameleon
* painLotsChameleon
* playerAttack_Chameleon
* playerDefend_Chameleon
* PlayerHasSpawned_Chameleon
* playerHelp_Chameleon
* playerSpree_Chameleon
* playerTaunt_Chameleon
* shopBuy_Chameleon


* ChameleonChosen003
* ChameleonTeleport003 (teleport (heard by others) set attenuation on this sound.)
* ChameleonTeleportSelf003 (Two variations for the sounds characters make when teleporting, TeleportSelf is the sound that the player that teleports hears, don't set attenuation on this sound. Teleport is heard by others.)
* dieChameleon003
* EndGame_Chameleon003
* kill_Chameleon003
* painLittleChameleon003
* painLotsChameleon003
* playerAttack_Chameleon003
* playerDefend_Chameleon003
* PlayerHasSpawned_Chameleon003
* playerHelp_Chameleon003
* playerSpree_Chameleon003
* playerTaunt_Chameleon003
* shopBuy_Chameleon003


* ChameleonChosen004
* ChameleonTeleport004 (teleport (heard by others) set attenuation on this sound.)
* ChameleonTeleportSelf004 (Two variations for the sounds characters make when teleporting, TeleportSelf is the sound that the player that teleports hears, don't set attenuation on this sound. Teleport is heard by others.)
* dieChameleon004
* EndGame_Chameleon004
* kill_Chameleon004
* painLittleChameleon004
* painLotsChameleon004
* playerAttack_Chameleon004
* playerDefend_Chameleon004
* PlayerHasSpawned_Chameleon004
* playerHelp_Chameleon004
* playerSpree_Chameleon004
* playerTaunt_Chameleon004
* shopBuy_Chameleon004


* ChameleonCloneExpl
* ChameleonEnterStealth
* ChameleonExitStealth
* ChameleonQuickAttack3
* ChameleonSurpriseAttack
* ChameleonTongueHit
* ChameleonTongueStart
* enterStealth
* jumpChameleon
* jumpDownChameleon
* landHardChameleon
* landSoftChameleon
* leaveStealth
* meleeAttackChameleon
* meleeAttackChameleonPirate
* PainImpactChameleon (Impact sounds welke altijd moeten klinken wanneer een character geraakt wordt! Onderscheid maken tussen metal en Flesh impacts per karakter.)
* SlideChameleon
* WalkChameleon1
* WalkChameleon2
* WalkChameleonWoodenLeg


* ChameleonSurpriseAttack005
* meleeAttackChameleon005
* PainImpactChameleon005 (Impact sounds welke altijd moeten klinken wanneer een character geraakt wordt! Onderscheid maken tussen metal en Flesh impacts per karakter.)
* quickAttackChameleon005
* WalkChameleon005left
* WalkChameleon005right


* ChameleonUnlocked

MENU[ | ]

* characterBack
* characterInfoSwitch
* characterScroll
* characterSelect
* characterSelectFail
* chatNewUnreadMessage
* checkbox
* droppod_launchscreen_enter
* Enm_Team_LevelUp
* If_Item
* keybind
* keybindDelete
* levelInfoSwitch
* levelScroll
* levelSelect
* levelup (Progress screen)
* loadoutBack
* menuAIselector0
* menuAIselector1
* menuAIselector2
* menuAIselector3
* menuAIselector4
* menuAIselector5
* menuBack
* menuBuyCharacterSuccess
* menuClickItem
* MenuEnterAwesomenauts
* menuLeave
* menuSelectCharacterFailLocked
* menuSelectionCancel
* menuSelectionHit
* menuSelectionMove
* menuSliderClick
* menuSliderMove
* menuStart
* menuTimer
* Own_Team_LevelUp
* partyMenuBack
* partyMenuPlayerJoin
* partyMenuPlayerLeave
* partyMenuSwitchTeam
* pauseMenuClickItem
* pauseMenuNextMenu
* pauseMenuPreviousMenu
* pauseMenuSelectionMove
* pauseMenuSwitchMenuFail
* popupCancelSound
* popupConfirmSound
* progressBarFillSound (Progress screen)
* SFXPreview (This plays when you adjust sfx volume)
* silenced
* tutorial_all_completed
* tutorial_completed
* tutorial_goal
* UImainCl
* UImainO1
* UImainO2


* CoinBigDrop
* CoinPickupBig
* CoinPickupSmall
* CoinSmallDrop
* floatingGoldBigPickup
* floatingGoldSmallPickup
* floatingGoldTreasure
* floatingHealthPickup
* GoldTreasure
* HealthPackDrop
* HealthPickup


* CommandoAirstrikeAnchor
* CommandoAirstrikeExpl004
* CommandoAirstrikeFire004
* CommandoJump004
* landHardCommando004
* landSoftCommando004
* TP_shoot_rifle_snipeshot_ready004
* TP_shoot_rifle_snipeshot004
* TP_shoot_rifle004
* TP_shotgun_shoot_bomb004
* TP_shotgun_shoot004
* TP_Transform_in004
* TP_Transform_out004
* WalkCommando1_004
* WalkCommando2_004


* CommandoAirstrikeBulletExpl
* CommandoAirstrikeExpl
* CommandoAirstrikeExpl2
* CommandoAirstrikeFire
* CommandoAirstrikeLaser
* CommandoJump
* CommandoJumpLoop
* CommandoShellSounds
* CommandoShootRifle
* CommandoShootShotgun
* CommandoShotgunMineCharged
* CommandoShotgunMineChargedLoop
* CommandoShotgunMineExpl
* CommandoShotgunMineShoot
* CommandoStim
* CommandoStimAfter
* CommandoTransform
* jumpDownCommando
* landHardCommando
* landSoftCommando
* PainImpactCommando (Impact sounds welke altijd moeten klinken wanneer een character geraakt wordt! Onderscheid maken tussen metal en Flesh impacts per karakter.)
* SlideCommando
* TP_shoot_rifle_snipeshot
* TP_shoot_rifle_snipeshot_ready
* WalkCommando1
* WalkCommando2


* CommandoBulletImpact
* CommandoShootRifle002
* CommandoShootShotgun002
* CommandoTransform002
* PainImpactCommando002 (Impact sounds welke altijd moeten klinken wanneer een character geraakt wordt! Onderscheid maken tussen metal en Flesh impacts per karakter.)
* SlideCommando002
* TP_shoot_rifle
* TP_shotgun_shoot
* WalkCommando1_002
* WalkCommando2_002


* CommandoChosen001
* CommandoMachinegunVoice
* CommandoShotgunVoice
* CommandoSkill1Voice (tp Skill1 = Ted McPain airstrike)
* CommandoSkill2Voice (tp Skill2 = Ted McPain Stimpack)
* CommandoSkill3Voice (tp Skill3 = Ted McPain switch to shotgun)
* CommandoSkill4Voice (tp Skill4 = Ted McPain switch to machine gun)
* CommandoTeleport (teleport (heard by others) set attenuation on this sound.)
* CommandoTeleportSelf (Two variations for the sounds characters make when teleporting, TeleportSelf is the sound that the player that teleports hears, don't set attenuation on this sound. Teleport is heard by others.)
* dieCommando
* kill_Commando
* KilledCommandoByCommando
* KilledSpyByCommando
* painLittleCommando
* painLotsCommando
* playerAttack_Commando
* playerDefend_Commando
* PlayerHasSpawned_Commando
* playerHelp_Commando
* playerSpree_Commando
* playerTaunt_Commando
* shopBuy_Commando
* SpawnedStarstormCommando


* CommandoChosen002
* CommandoMachinegunVoice002
* CommandoShotgunVoice002
* CommandoSkill1Voice002 (tp Skill1 = Ted McPain airstrike)
* CommandoSkill2Voice002 (tp Skill2 = Ted McPain Stimpack)
* CommandoSkill3Voice002 (tp Skill3 = Ted McPain switch to shotgun)
* CommandoSkill4Voice002 (tp Skill4 = Ted McPain switch to machine gun)
* CommandoTeleport002 (teleport (heard by others) set attenuation on this sound.)
* CommandoTeleportSelf002 (Two variations for the sounds characters make when teleporting, TeleportSelf is the sound that the player that teleports hears, don't set attenuation on this sound. Teleport is heard by others.)
* dieCommando002
* EndGame_Commando002
* kill_Commando002
* KilledCommandoByCommando002
* KilledShamanByCommando002
* KilledSpyCommando002
* painLittleCommando002
* painLotsCommando002
* playerAttack_Commando002
* playerDefend_Commando002
* PlayerHasSpawned_Commando002
* playerHelp_Commando002
* playerSpree_Commando002
* playerTaunt_Commando002
* shopBuy_Commando002
* SpawnedStarstormCommando002


* CommandoChosen003
* CommandoMachinegunVoice003
* CommandoShotgunVoice003
* CommandoSkill1Voice003 (tp Skill1 = Ted McPain airstrike)
* CommandoSkill2Voice003 (tp Skill2 = Ted McPain Stimpack)
* CommandoSkill3Voice003 (tp Skill3 = Ted McPain switch to shotgun)
* CommandoSkill4Voice003 (tp Skill4 = Ted McPain switch to machine gun)
* CommandoTeleport003 (teleport (heard by others) set attenuation on this sound.)
* CommandoTeleportSelf003 (Two variations for the sounds characters make when teleporting, TeleportSelf is the sound that the player that teleports hears, don't set attenuation on this sound. Teleport is heard by others.)
* dieCommando003
* EndGame_Commando003
* kill_Commando003
* KilledCommandoByCommando003
* KilledShamanByCommando003
* KilledSpyByCommando003
* painLittleCommando003
* painLotsCommando003
* playerAttack_Commando003
* playerDefend_Commando003
* PlayerHasSpawned_Commando003
* playerHelp_Commando003
* playerSpree_Commando003
* playerTaunt_Commando003
* shopBuy_Commando003
* SpawnedStarstormCommando003


* CommandoChosen004
* CommandoMachinegunVoice004
* CommandoShotgunVoice004
* CommandoSkill1Voice004 (tp Skill1 = Ted McPain airstrike)
* CommandoSkill2Voice004 (tp Skill2 = Ted McPain Stimpack)
* CommandoSkill3Voice004 (tp Skill3 = Ted McPain switch to shotgun)
* CommandoSkill4Voice004 (tp Skill4 = Ted McPain switch to machine gun)
* CommandoTeleport004 (teleport (heard by others) set attenuation on this sound.)
* CommandoTeleportSelf004 (Two variations for the sounds characters make when teleporting, TeleportSelf is the sound that the player that teleports hears, don't set attenuation on this sound. Teleport is heard by others.)
* dieCommando004
* EndGame_Commando004
* kill_Commando004
* painLittleCommando004
* painLotsCommando004
* PirateKilledByCommando004
* PirateMeetCommando004
* playerAttack_Commando004
* playerDefend_Commando004
* PlayerHasSpawned_Commando004
* playerHelp_Commando004
* playerSpree_Commando004
* playerTaunt_Commando004
* shopBuy_Commando004


* CommandoJump003
* CommandoJumpLoop003
* CommandoTransform003
* landHardCommando003
* landSoftCommando003
* PainImpactCommando003 (Impact sounds welke altijd moeten klinken wanneer een character geraakt wordt! Onderscheid maken tussen metal en Flesh impacts per karakter.)
* SlideCommando003
* TP_Transform_in
* TP_Transform_out
* WalkCommando1_003
* WalkCommando2_003


* CommandoUnlocked


* confirmSelect
* loadoutInfoSwitch
* skillSelect
* skillSelectFail


* CostumeAyla
* dieVampire
* kill_Vampire
* painLittleVampire
* painLotsVampire
* playerAttack_Vampire
* playerDefend_Vampire
* PlayerHasSpawned_Vampire
* playerHelp_Vampire
* playerSpree_Vampire
* playerTaunt_Vampire
* shopBuy_Vampire
* VampireAttackVoice
* VampireChosen001
* VampireEyeVoice
* VampireTeleport (teleport (heard by others) set attenuation on this sound.)
* VampireTeleportSelf (Two variations for the sounds characters make when teleporting, TeleportSelf is the sound that the player that teleports hears, don't set attenuation on this sound. Teleport is heard by others.)
* VampireTransformVoice


* CowboyChosen001
* CowboyTeleport (teleport (heard by others) set attenuation on this sound.)
* CowboyTeleportSelf (Two variations for the sounds characters make when teleporting, TeleportSelf is the sound that the player that teleports hears, don't set attenuation on this sound. Teleport is heard by others.)
* dieCowboy
* kill_Cowboy
* painLittleCowboy
* painLotsCowboy
* playerAttack_Cowboy
* playerDefend_Cowboy
* PlayerHasSpawned_Cowboy
* playerHelp_Cowboy
* playerSpree_Cowboy
* playerTaunt_Cowboy
* shopBuy_Cowboy


* CowboyChosen004
* CowboyTeleport004 (teleport (heard by others) set attenuation on this sound.)
* CowboyTeleportSelf004 (Two variations for the sounds characters make when teleporting, TeleportSelf is the sound that the player that teleports hears, don't set attenuation on this sound. Teleport is heard by others.)
* dieCowboy004
* EndGame_Cowboy004
* kill_Cowboy004
* painLittleCowboy004
* painLotsCowboy004
* playerAttack_Cowboy004
* playerDefend_Cowboy004
* PlayerHasSpawned_Cowboy004
* playerHelp_Cowboy004
* playerSpree_Cowboy004
* playerTaunt_Cowboy004
* shopBuy_Cowboy004


* CowboyUnlocked


* Crawler002KillNibbs
* CrawlerBaseAttack002
* CrawlerChosen002
* CrawlerSkill1Voice002
* CrawlerSkill2Voice002
* CrawlerTeleport002 (teleport (heard by others) set attenuation on this sound.)
* CrawlerTeleportSelf002 (Two variations for the sounds characters make when teleporting, TeleportSelf is the sound that the player that teleports hears, don't set attenuation on this sound. Teleport is heard by others.)
* dieCrawler002
* EndGame_Crawler002
* kill_Crawler002
* painLittleCrawler002
* painLotsCrawler002
* playerAttack_Crawler002
* playerDefend_Crawler002
* PlayerHasSpawned_Crawler002
* playerHelp_Crawler002
* playerSpree_Crawler002
* playerTaunt_Crawler002
* shopBuy_Crawler002


* CrawlerBaseAttack
* CrawlerChosen001
* CrawlerSkill1Voice
* CrawlerSkill2Voice
* CrawlerTeleport (teleport (heard by others) set attenuation on this sound.)
* CrawlerTeleportSelf (Two variations for the sounds characters make when teleporting, TeleportSelf is the sound that the player that teleports hears, don't set attenuation on this sound. Teleport is heard by others.)
* dieCrawler
* kill_Crawler
* KilledJetterByCrawler
* painLittleCrawler
* painLotsCrawler
* playerAttack_Crawler
* playerDefend_Crawler
* PlayerHasSpawned_Crawler
* playerHelp_Crawler
* playerSpree_Crawler
* playerTaunt_Crawler
* shopBuy_Crawler


* CrawlerCaltropAppear
* CrawlerCaltropDespawn
* CrawlerCaltropExplode
* CrawlerCaltropLoop
* CrawlerQuickAttack1
* CrawlerQuickAttack2
* CrawlerQuickAttack3
* CrawlerScissorsImpact
* CrawlerScissorsPickup
* CrawlerScissorsThrow
* CrawlerStealthDash
* CrawlerStealthEnter
* CrawlerStealthExit
* CrawlerSurpriseAttack
* DoubeJumpCrawler
* jumpCrawler
* jumpDownCrawler
* landHardCrawler
* landSoftCrawler
* PainImpactCrawler (Impact sounds welke altijd moeten klinken wanneer een character geraakt wordt! Onderscheid maken tussen metal en Flesh impacts per karakter.)
* SlideCrawler
* WalkLeftCrawler
* WalkRightCrawler

KSENIA002[ | ]

* CrawlerQuickAttack1_002
* CrawlerQuickAttack2_002
* CrawlerQuickAttack3_002
* CrawlerScissorsImpact002
* CrawlerScissorsPickup002
* CrawlerScissorsThrow002
* CrawlerStealthDash002
* CrawlerStealthEnter002
* CrawlerStealthExit002
* CrawlerSurpriseAttack_002
* DoubeJumpCrawler002
* jumpCrawler002
* jumpDownCrawler002

KSENIA003[ | ]

* CrawlerQuickAttack1_003
* CrawlerQuickAttack2_003
* CrawlerQuickAttack3_003
* CrawlerStealthDash003
* CrawlerStealthEnter003
* CrawlerStealthExit003
* CrawlerSurpriseAttack_003


* CrawlerUnlocked


* CrawlerUnlocked002

CREEP[ | ]

* CreepSpawn (Starstorm map creep / Little tank)


* CrumpleBaseAttack
* CrumpleChosen001
* CrumpleEncounterEnemyLonestar
* CrumpleEncounterFriendlyLonestar
* CrumpleSkill1Voice (Deadlift/Crumple Skill 1 voicelines (Power Leap))
* CrumpleSkill2Voice (Deadlift/Crumple Skill 2 voicelines (Shield))
* CrumpleTeleport (teleport (heard by others) set attenuation on this sound.)
* CrumpleTeleportSelf (Two variations for the sounds characters make when teleporting, TeleportSelf is the sound that the player that teleports hears, don't set attenuation on this sound. Teleport is heard by others.)
* dieCrumple
* EndGame_Crumple001
* kill_Crumple
* painLittleCrumple
* painLotsCrumple
* playerAttack_Crumple
* playerDefend_Crumple
* PlayerHasSpawned_Crumple
* playerHelp_Crumple
* playerSpree_Crumple
* playerTaunt_Crumple
* shopBuy_Crumple


* CrumpleBaseAttack002
* CrumpleChosen002
* CrumpleSkill1Voice002 (Deadlift/Crumple Skill 1 voicelines (Power Leap))
* CrumpleSkill2Voice002 (Deadlift/Crumple Skill 2 voicelines (Shield))
* CrumpleTeleport002 (teleport (heard by others) set attenuation on this sound.)
* CrumpleTeleportSelf002 (Two variations for the sounds characters make when teleporting, TeleportSelf is the sound that the player that teleports hears, don't set attenuation on this sound. Teleport is heard by others.)
* dieCrumple002
* EndGame_Crumple002
* kill_Crumple002
* painLittleCrumple002
* painLotsCrumple002
* playerAttack_Crumple002
* playerDefend_Crumple002
* PlayerHasSpawned_Crumple002
* playerHelp_Crumple002
* playerSpree_Crumple002
* playerTaunt_Crumple002
* shopBuy_Crumple002


* CrumpleFistHit
* CrumpleFistHit002
* CrumpleFistHitMetalLayer
* CrumpleFistSwoosh
* CrumpleFistSwoosh002
* CrumpleJump
* CrumpleJump002
* CrumplePowerLeap
* CrumplePowerLeap002
* CrumplePowerLeapImpact
* CrumpleShieldLoop
* CrumpleShieldLoop002
* CrumpleShieldLoopEnd
* CrumpleShieldLoopEnd002
* CrumpleShieldStart
* CrumpleShieldStart002
* CrumpleShieldStartLayer
* CrumpleWalkLeft
* CrumpleWalkRight
* LandHardCrumple
* LandSoftCrumple
* PainImpactCrumple (Impact sounds welke altijd moeten klinken wanneer een character geraakt wordt! Onderscheid maken tussen metal en Flesh impacts per karakter.)
* PainImpactCrumple002 (Impact sounds welke altijd moeten klinken wanneer een character geraakt wordt! Onderscheid maken tussen metal en Flesh impacts per karakter.)
* SlideCrumple


* DasherChosen001
* DasherTeleport (teleport (heard by others) set attenuation on this sound.)
* DasherTeleportSelf
* dieDasher
* kill_Dasher
* painLittleDasher
* painLotsDasher
* playerAttack_Dasher
* playerDefend_Dasher
* PlayerHasSpawned_Dasher
* playerHelp_Dasher
* playerSpree_Dasher
* playerTaunt_Dasher
* shopBuy_Dasher


* DasherUnlocked


* dashNormal


* DashVinnie
* DashVinnieSpikes
* IdleVinnie
* jumpBoostVinnie
* jumpDownVinnie
* jumpVinnie
* landHardVinnie
* landSoftVinnie
* PainImpactBird (Impact sounds welke altijd moeten klinken wanneer een character geraakt wordt! Onderscheid maken tussen metal en Flesh impacts per karakter.)
* ShieldEndVinnie
* ShieldStartVinnie
* shootVinnieLayer
* shootVinnieShot
* SlideVinnie
* SmokeScreenVinnie
* WalkVinnie

DIE[ | ]

* DeathExpl
* DeathExplCr
* Die
* dieCreepFlying
* dieCreepMelee
* DroidExplosion


* DerplSkin1Teleport
* DerplSkinParrot
* WalkDerplSkin1
* WalkDerplSkin1Idle
* WalkDerplSkin1Walk


* dieEllipto
* ElliptoBaseAttack
* ElliptoChosen001
* ElliptoSkill1Voice
* ElliptoSkill2Voice
* ElliptoTeleport (teleport (heard by others) set attenuation on this sound.)
* ElliptoTeleportSelf (Two variations for the sounds characters make when teleporting, TeleportSelf is the sound that the player that teleports hears, don't set attenuation on this sound. Teleport is heard by others.)
* kill_Ellipto
* painLittleEllipto
* painLotsEllipto
* playerAttack_Ellipto
* playerDefend_Ellipto
* PlayerHasSpawned_Ellipto
* playerHelp_Ellipto
* playerSpree_Ellipto
* playerTaunt_Ellipto
* shopBuy_Ellipto


* dieEllipto003
* ElliptoBaseAttack003
* ElliptoChosen003
* ElliptoSkill1Voice003
* ElliptoSkill2Voice003
* ElliptoTeleport003 (teleport (heard by others) set attenuation on this sound.)
* ElliptoTeleportSelf003 (Two variations for the sounds characters make when teleporting, TeleportSelf is the sound that the player that teleports hears, don't set attenuation on this sound. Teleport is heard by others.)
* EndGame_Ellipto003
* kill_Ellipto003
* painLittleEllipto003
* painLotsEllipto003
* playerAttack_Ellipto003
* playerDefend_Ellipto003
* PlayerHasSpawned_Ellipto003
* playerHelp_Ellipto003
* playerSpree_Ellipto003
* playerTaunt_Ellipto003
* shopBuy_Ellipto003


* dieHeavy
* HeavyChosen001
* HeavyTeleport (teleport (heard by others) set attenuation on this sound.)
* HeavyTeleportSelf (Two variations for the sounds characters make when teleporting, TeleportSelf is the sound that the player that teleports hears, don't set attenuation on this sound. Teleport is heard by others.)
* kill_Heavy
* painLittleHeavy
* painLotsHeavy
* playerAttack_Heavy
* playerDefend_Heavy
* PlayerHasSpawned_Heavy
* playerHelp_Heavy
* playerSpree_Heavy
* playerTaunt_Heavy
* shopBuy_Heavy


* dieHeavy003
* EndGame_Heavy003
* HeavyChosen003
* HeavyTeleport003 (teleport (heard by others) set attenuation on this sound.)
* HeavyTeleportSelf003 (Two variations for the sounds characters make when teleporting, TeleportSelf is the sound that the player that teleports hears, don't set attenuation on this sound. Teleport is heard by others.)
* kill_Heavy003
* painLittleHeavy003
* painLotsHeavy003
* playerAttack_Heavy003
* playerDefend_Heavy003
* PlayerHasSpawned_Heavy003
* playerHelp_Heavy003
* playerSpree_Heavy003
* playerTaunt_Heavy003
* shopBuy_Heavy003


* dieHunter
* HunterChosen001
* HunterTeleport (teleport (heard by others) set attenuation on this sound.)
* HunterTeleportSelf (Two variations for the sounds characters make when teleporting, TeleportSelf is the sound that the player that teleports hears, don't set attenuation on this sound. Teleport is heard by others.)
* kill_Hunter
* painLittleHunter
* painLotsHunter
* playerAttack_Hunter
* playerDefend_Hunter
* PlayerHasSpawned_Hunter
* playerHelp_Hunter
* playerSpree_Hunter
* playerTaunt_Hunter
* RoshanSniperVoice
* RoshanStasisVoice
* shopBuy_Hunter


* dieHyper
* HyperBaseAttack
* HyperBaseAttackStunBullet
* HyperChosen001
* HyperEncounterEnemyEllipto
* HyperEncounterFriendlyEllipto
* HyperSkill1Voice (Stickybombs)
* HyperSkill2VoiceDetBike (Skill 2 Detonate Bike)
* HyperSkill2VoiceOffBike
* HyperSkill2VoiceOnBike
* HyperTeleport (teleport (heard by others) set attenuation on this sound.)
* HyperTeleportSelf (Two variations for the sounds characters make when teleporting, TeleportSelf is the sound that the player that teleports hears, don't set attenuation on this sound. Teleport is heard by others.)
* kill_Hyper
* KilledElliptoByHyper
* painLittleHyper
* painLotsHyper
* playerAttack_Hyper
* playerDefend_Hyper
* PlayerHasSpawned_Hyper
* playerHelp_Hyper
* playerSpree_Hyper
* playerTaunt_Hyper
* shopBuy_Hyper


* dieHyper002
* EndGame_Hyper002
* HyperBaseAttack002
* HyperBaseAttackStunBullet002
* HyperChosen002
* HyperEncounterEnemyEllipto002
* HyperEncounterFriendlyEllipto002
* HyperSkill1Voice002 (Stickybombs)
* HyperSkill2VoiceDetBike002 (Skill 2 Detonate Bike)
* HyperSkill2VoiceOffBike002
* HyperSkill2VoiceOnBike002
* HyperTeleport002 (teleport (heard by others) set attenuation on this sound.)
* HyperTeleportSelf002 (Two variations for the sounds characters make when teleporting, TeleportSelf is the sound that the player that teleports hears, don't set attenuation on this sound. Teleport is heard by others.)
* kill_Hyper002
* KilledElliptoByHyper002
* painLittleHyper002
* painLotsHyper002
* playerAttack_Hyper002
* playerDefend_Hyper002
* PlayerHasSpawned_Hyper002
* playerHelp_Hyper002
* playerSpree_Hyper002
* playerTaunt_Hyper002
* shopBuy_Hyper002


* dieJetter
* JetterChosen001
* JetterTeleport (teleport (heard by others) set attenuation on this sound.)
* JetterTeleportSelf (Two variations for the sounds characters make when teleporting, TeleportSelf is the sound that the player that teleports hears, don't set attenuation on this sound. Teleport is heard by others.)
* kill_Jetter
* painLittleJetter
* painLotsJetter
* playerAttack_Jetter
* playerDefend_Jetter
* PlayerHasSpawned_Jetter
* playerHelp_Jetter
* playerSpree_Jetter
* playerTaunt_Jetter
* shopBuy_Jetter


* dieMaw
* GnawChosen001
* kill_Maw
* MawChosen001
* MawTeleport (teleport (heard by others) set attenuation on this sound.)
* MawTeleportSelf (Two variations for the sounds characters make when teleporting, TeleportSelf is the sound that the player that teleports hears, don't set attenuation on this sound. Teleport is heard by others.)
* painLittleMaw
* painLotsMaw
* playerAttack_Maw
* playerDefend_Maw
* PlayerHasSpawned_Maw
* playerHelp_Maw
* playerSpree_Maw
* playerTaunt_Maw
* shopBuy_Maw

VOICE_GNAW003[ | ]

* dieMaw003
* EndGame_Gnaw003
* EndGame_Maw003
* GnawChosen003
* kill_Maw003
* MawChosen003
* MawTeleport003 (teleport (heard by others) set attenuation on this sound.)
* MawTeleportSelf003 (Two variations for the sounds characters make when teleporting, TeleportSelf is the sound that the player that teleports hears, don't set attenuation on this sound. Teleport is heard by others.)
* playerAttack_Maw003
* playerDefend_Maw003
* PlayerHasSpawned_Maw003
* playerHelp_Maw003
* playerSpree_Maw003
* playerTaunt_Maw003
* shopBuy_Maw003

VOICE_GNAW004[ | ]

* dieMaw004
* EndGame_Maw004
* kill_Maw004
* Maw004_DotWouldKill
* MawChosen004
* MawKillBull004
* MawSkill1Voice004
* MawSkill2Voice004
* MawTeleport004 (teleport (heard by others) set attenuation on this sound.)
* MawTeleportSelf004 (Two variations for the sounds characters make when teleporting, TeleportSelf is the sound that the player that teleports hears, don't set attenuation on this sound. Teleport is heard by others.)
* painLittleMaw004
* painLotsMaw004
* playerAttack_Maw004
* playerDefend_Maw004
* PlayerHasSpawned_Maw004
* playerHelp_Maw004
* playerSpree_Maw004
* playerTaunt_Maw004
* shopBuy_Maw004


* diePaladin
* kill_Paladin
* painLittlePaladin
* painLotsPaladin
* PaladinChosen001
* PaladinJRPGencounterJapanese
* PaladinSkill1Voice
* PaladinSkill2Voice
* PaladinTeleport (teleport (heard by others) set attenuation on this sound.)
* PaladinTeleportSelf (Two variations for the sounds characters make when teleporting, TeleportSelf is the sound that the player that teleports hears, don't set attenuation on this sound. Teleport is heard by others.)
* playerAttack_Paladin
* playerDefend_Paladin
* PlayerHasSpawned_Paladin
* playerHelp_Paladin
* playerSpree_Paladin
* playerTaunt_Paladin
* PoacherChosen001
* PoacherChosen002
* shopBuy_Paladin


* diePaladin002
* EndGame_Paladin002
* kill_Paladin002
* painLittlePaladin002
* painLotsPaladin002
* PaladinChosen002
* PaladinSkill1Voice002
* PaladinSkill2Voice002
* PaladinTeleport002 (teleport (heard by others) set attenuation on this sound.)
* PaladinTeleportSelf002 (Two variations for the sounds characters make when teleporting, TeleportSelf is the sound that the player that teleports hears, don't set attenuation on this sound. Teleport is heard by others.)
* playerAttack_Paladin002
* playerDefend_Paladin002
* PlayerHasSpawned_Paladin002
* playerHelp_Paladin002
* playerSpree_Paladin002
* playerTaunt_Paladin002
* shopBuy_Paladin002


* diePaladin004
* EndGame_Paladin004
* kill_Paladin004
* painLittlePaladin004
* painLotsPaladin004
* PaladinChosen004
* PaladinSkill1Voice004
* PaladinSkill2Voice004
* PaladinTeleport004 (teleport (heard by others) set attenuation on this sound.)
* PaladinTeleportSelf004 (Two variations for the sounds characters make when teleporting, TeleportSelf is the sound that the player that teleports hears, don't set attenuation on this sound. Teleport is heard by others.)
* playerAttack_Paladin004
* playerDefend_Paladin004
* PlayerHasSpawned_Paladin004
* playerHelp_Paladin004
* playerSpree_Paladin004
* playerTaunt_Paladin004
* shopBuy_Paladin004


* diePoacher
* kill_Poacher
* painLittlePoacher
* painLotsPoacher
* playerAttack_Poacher
* playerDefend_Poacher
* PlayerHasSpawned_Poacher
* playerHelp_Poacher
* playerSpree_Poacher
* playerTaunt_Poacher
* PoacherEncounterEnemyRRteam (Encounter enemy Rocket's Renegades)
* PoacherEncounterFriendlyCommanderRocket
* PoacherEncounterFriendlyRascal
* PoacherEncounterFriendlyRRteam (Encounter friendly Rocket's Renegades)
* PoacherShoot
* PoacherSkill1Voice
* PoacherSkill2Voice
* PoacherTeleport (teleport (heard by others) set attenuation on this sound.)
* PoacherTeleport002 (teleport (heard by others) set attenuation on this sound.)
* PoacherTeleportSelf (Two variations for the sounds characters make when teleporting, TeleportSelf is the sound that the player that teleports hears, don't set attenuation on this sound. Teleport is heard by others.)
* PoacherTeleportSelf002 (Two variations for the sounds characters make when teleporting, TeleportSelf is the sound that the player that teleports hears, don't set attenuation on this sound. Teleport is heard by others.)
* ShopBuy_Poacher


* diePoacher002
* kill_Poacher002
* painLittlePoacher002
* painLotsPoacher002
* playerAttack_Poacher002
* playerDefend_Poacher002
* PlayerHasSpawned_Poacher002
* playerHelp_Poacher002
* playerSpree_Poacher002
* playerTaunt_Poacher002
* PoacherEncounterEnemyRRteam002 (Encounter enemy Rocket's Renegades)
* PoacherEncounterFriendlyRRteam002 (Encounter friendly Rocket's Renegades)
* PoacherShoot002
* PoacherSkill1Voice002
* PoacherSkill2Voice002
* ShopBuy_Poacher002


* dieRascal
* dieRascal002
* EndGame_Poacher001
* EndGame_Poacher002
* EndGame_Rascal001
* EndGame_Rascal002
* kill_Rascal
* kill_Rascal002
* painLittleRascal
* painLittleRascal002
* painLotsRascal
* painLotsRascal002
* playerAttack_Rascal
* playerAttack_Rascal002
* playerDefend_Rascal
* playerDefend_Rascal002
* PlayerHasSpawned_Rascal
* PlayerHasSpawned_Rascal002
* playerHelp_Rascal
* playerHelp_Rascal002
* playerSpree_Rascal
* playerSpree_Rascal002
* playerTaunt_Rascal
* playerTaunt_Rascal002
* RascalBaseAttack
* RascalBaseAttack002
* RascalChosen001
* RascalChosen002
* RascalEncounterCommanderRocket
* RascalEncounterCommanderRocket002
* RascalEncounterEnemyRRTeam
* RascalEncounterEnemyRRTeam002
* RascalEncounterFriendlyRRTeam
* RascalEncounterFriendlyRRTeam002
* RascalEncounterFroggyG
* RascalEncounterFroggyG002
* RascalEncounterPoacher
* RascalEncounterPoacher002
* RascalSkill1Voice (Skill 1 voicelines)
* RascalSkill1Voice002 (Skill 1 voicelines)
* RascalSkill2Voice (Skill 2 voicelines)
* RascalSkill2Voice002 (Skill 2 voicelines)
* RascalTeleport (teleport (heard by others) set attenuation on this sound.)
* RascalTeleport002 (teleport (heard by others) set attenuation on this sound.)
* RascalTeleportSelf (Two variations for the sounds characters make when teleporting, TeleportSelf is the sound that the player that teleports hears, don't set attenuation on this sound. Teleport is heard by others.)
* RascalTeleportSelf002 (Two variations for the sounds characters make when teleporting, TeleportSelf is the sound that the player that teleports hears, don't set attenuation on this sound. Teleport is heard by others.)
* RascalUnlocked
* RascalUnlocked002
* shopBuy_Rascal
* shopBuy_Rascal002


* dieShaman
* kill_Shaman
* KilledAssassinByShaman
* KilledCommandoByShaman
* KilledSentryByShaman
* KilledSpyByShaman
* KilledWeedlingByShaman
* painLittleShaman
* painLotsShaman
* playerAttack_Shaman
* playerDefend_Shaman
* PlayerHasSpawned_Shaman
* playerHelp_Shaman
* playerSpree_Shaman
* playerTaunt_Shaman
* ShamanBaseAttack
* ShamanChosen001
* ShamanSkill1Voice
* ShamanTeleport (teleport (heard by others) set attenuation on this sound.)
* ShamanTeleportSelf (Two variations for the sounds characters make when teleporting, TeleportSelf is the sound that the player that teleports hears, don't set attenuation on this sound. Teleport is heard by others.)
* ShamanUnlocked
* shopBuy_Shaman


* dieShaman002
* EndGame_Shaman002
* kill_Shaman002
* KilledAssassinByShaman002
* KilledCommandoByShaman002
* KilledSentryByShaman002
* KilledSpyByShaman002
* KilledWeedlingByShaman002
* painLittleShaman002
* painLotsShaman002
* playerAttack_Shaman002
* playerDefend_Shaman002
* PlayerHasSpawned_Shaman002
* playerHelp_Shaman002
* playerSpree_Shaman002
* playerTaunt_Shaman002
* ShamanBaseAttack002
* ShamanChosen002
* ShamanSkill1Voice002
* ShamanTeleport002 (teleport (heard by others) set attenuation on this sound.)
* ShamanTeleportSelf002 (Two variations for the sounds characters make when teleporting, TeleportSelf is the sound that the player that teleports hears, don't set attenuation on this sound. Teleport is heard by others.)
* shopBuy_Shaman002


* dieShifter
* kill_Shifter
* painLittleShifter
* painLotsShifter
* playerAttack_Shifter
* playerAttack_Shifter002
* playerDefend_Shifter
* PlayerHasSpawned_Shifter
* playerHelp_Shifter
* playerSpree_Shifter
* playerTaunt_Shifter
* ShifterChosen001
* ShifterKillBulletCharacter
* ShifterKillRobotCharacter
* ShifterSkill1Displace
* ShifterSkill1NoDisplace
* ShifterSkill1NoLineOfSight
* ShifterSkill1OutOfRange
* ShifterSkill1Voice
* ShifterSkill2Voice
* ShifterTeleport (teleport (heard by others) set attenuation on this sound.)
* ShifterTeleportSelf (Two variations for the sounds characters make when teleporting, TeleportSelf is the sound that the player that teleports hears, don't set attenuation on this sound. Teleport is heard by others.)
* shopBuy_Shifter

VOICE_IX2[ | ]

* dieShifter002
* EndGame_Shifter002
* kill_Shifter002
* painLittleShifter002
* painLotsShifter002
* playerDefend_Shifter002
* PlayerHasSpawned_Shifter002
* playerHelp_Shifter002
* playerSpree_Shifter002
* playerTaunt_Shifter002
* ShifterChosen002
* ShifterEncounterDemonicCharacter002
* ShifterEncounterRobotCharacter002
* ShifterEncounterScoopCharacter002
* ShifterSkill1Displace002
* ShifterSkill1NoDisplace002
* ShifterSkill1NoLineOfSight002
* ShifterSkill1OutOfRange002
* ShifterSkill1Voice002
* ShifterSkill2Voice002
* ShifterTeleport002 (teleport (heard by others) set attenuation on this sound.)
* ShifterTeleportSelf002 (Two variations for the sounds characters make when teleporting, TeleportSelf is the sound that the player that teleports hears, don't set attenuation on this sound. Teleport is heard by others.)
* shopBuy_Shifter002


* dieSpy
* kill_Spy
* KilledCommandoBySpy
* KilledPennyBySpy
* KilledShamanBySpy
* KilledSpyBySpy
* painLittleSpy
* painLotsSpy
* playerAttack_Spy
* playerDefend_Spy
* PlayerHasSpawned_Spy
* playerHelp_Spy
* playerSpree_Spy
* playerTaunt_Spy
* shopBuy_Spy
* SpyChosen001
* SpySkill1Voice (This is sentry's shield voice)
* SpySkill2Voice (This is sentry`s reflect voice)
* SpyTeleport (teleport (heard by others) set attenuation on this sound.)
* SpyTeleportSelf (Two variations for the sounds characters make when teleporting, TeleportSelf is the sound that the player that teleports hears, don't set attenuation on this sound. Teleport is heard by others.)


* dieSpy002
* EndGame_Spy002
* kill_Spy002
* KilledCommandoBySpy002
* KilledPennyBySpy002
* KilledShamanBySpy002
* KilledSpyBySpy002
* painLittleSpy002
* painLotsSpy002
* playerAttack_Spy002
* playerDefend_Spy002
* PlayerHasSpawned_Spy002
* playerHelp_Spy002
* playerSpree_Spy002
* playerTaunt_Spy002
* shopBuy_Spy002
* SpyChosen002
* SpySkill1Voice002 (This is sentry's shield voice)
* SpySkill2Voice002 (This is sentry`s reflect voice)
* SpyTeleport002 (teleport (heard by others) set attenuation on this sound.)
* SpyTeleportSelf002 (Two variations for the sounds characters make when teleporting, TeleportSelf is the sound that the player that teleports hears, don't set attenuation on this sound. Teleport is heard by others.)


* dieSpy003
* kill_Spy003
* painLittleSpy003
* painLotsSpy003
* playerAttack_Spy003
* playerDefend_Spy003
* PlayerHasSpawned_Spy003
* playerHelp_Spy003
* playerSpree_Spy003
* playerTaunt_Spy003
* shopBuy_Spy003
* SpykillVoice003
* SpyTeleport003 (teleport (heard by others) set attenuation on this sound.)
* SpyTeleportSelf003 (Two variations for the sounds characters make when teleporting, TeleportSelf is the sound that the player that teleports hears, don't set attenuation on this sound. Teleport is heard by others.)


* dieSummoner
* kill_Summoner
* painLittleSummoner
* painLotsSummoner
* playerAttack_Summoner
* playerDefend_Summoner
* PlayerHasSpawned_Summoner
* playerHelp_Summoner
* playerSpree_Summoner
* playerTaunt_Summoner
* shopBuy_Summoner
* SummonerChosen001
* SummonerTeleport (teleport (heard by others) set attenuation on this sound.)
* SummonerTeleportSelf (Two variations for the sounds characters make when teleporting, TeleportSelf is the sound that the player that teleports hears, don't set attenuation on this sound. Teleport is heard by others.)


* dieTank
* kill_Tank
* playerAttack_Tank
* playerDefend_Tank
* PlayerHasSpawned_Tank
* playerHelp_Tank
* playerSpree_Tank
* playerTaunt_Tank
* shopBuy_Tank
* TankChosen001
* TankTeleport (teleport (heard by others) set attenuation on this sound.)
* TankTeleportSelf (Two variations for the sounds characters make when teleporting, TeleportSelf is the sound that the player that teleports hears, don't set attenuation on this sound. Teleport is heard by others.)


* dieWakuWaku
* EndGame_WakuWaku
* kill_WakuWaku
* painLittleWakuWaku
* painLotsWakuWaku
* playerAttack_WakuWaku
* playerDefend_WakuWaku
* PlayerHasSpawned_WakuWaku
* playerHelp_WakuWaku
* playerSpree_WakuWaku
* playerTaunt_WakuWaku
* shopBuy_WakuWaku
* WakuWakuBaseAttack
* WakuWakuChosen001
* WakuWakuEncounterEnemyRRTeam
* WakuWakuEncounterFriendlyRRTeam
* WakuWakuSkill1Voice (Skill 1 voicelines)
* WakuWakuSkill2Voice (Skill 2 voicelines)
* WakuWakuTeleport (teleport (heard by others) set attenuation on this sound.)
* WakuWakuTeleportSelf (Two variations for the sounds characters make when teleporting, TeleportSelf is the sound that the player that teleports hears, don't set attenuation on this sound. Teleport is heard by others.)
* WakuWakuUnlocked


* dieWarrior
* kill_Warrior
* KilledElliptoByWarrior
* KilledHyperByWarrior
* painLittleWarrior
* painLotsWarrior
* playerAttack_Warrior
* playerDefend_Warrior
* PlayerHasSpawned_Warrior
* playerHelp_Warrior
* playerSpree_Warrior
* playerTaunt_Warrior
* shopBuy_Warrior
* WarriorBaseAttack
* WarriorChosen001
* WarriorEncounterEnemyEllipto
* WarriorEncounterEnemyHyper
* WarriorEncounterFriendlyEllipto
* WarriorEncounterFriendlyHyper
* WarriorSkill1Voice (This is the Charge voice)
* WarriorSkill2Voice (This is the Rockets voice)
* WarriorTeleport (teleport (heard by others) set attenuation on this sound.)
* WarriorTeleportSelf (Two variations for the sounds characters make when teleporting, TeleportSelf is the sound that the player that teleports hears, don't set attenuation on this sound. Teleport is heard by others.)


* dieWarrior002
* EndGame_Warrior002
* kill_Warrior002
* KilledElliptoByWarrior002
* KilledHyperByWarrior002
* painLittleWarrior002
* painLotsWarrior002
* playerAttack_Warrior002
* playerDefend_Warrior002
* PlayerHasSpawned_Warrior002
* playerHelp_Warrior002
* playerSpree_Warrior002
* playerTaunt_Warrior002
* shopBuy_Warrior002
* WarriorBaseAttack002
* WarriorChosen002
* WarriorEncounterEnemyEllipto002
* WarriorEncounterEnemyHyper002
* WarriorEncounterFriendlyEllipto002
* WarriorEncounterFriendlyHyper002
* WarriorSkill1Voice002 (This is the Charge voice)
* WarriorSkill2Voice002 (This is the Rockets voice)
* WarriorTeleport002 (teleport (heard by others) set attenuation on this sound.)
* WarriorTeleportSelf002 (Two variations for the sounds characters make when teleporting, TeleportSelf is the sound that the player that teleports hears, don't set attenuation on this sound. Teleport is heard by others.)


* dieWozzle
* kill_Wozzle
* painLittleWozzle
* painLotsWozzle
* playerAttack_Wozzle
* playerDefend_Wozzle
* playerHelp_Wozzle
* playerSpree_Wozzle
* playerTaunt_Wozzle
* shopBuy_Wozzle
* WozzleChosen001
* WozzleSkill1Voice
* WozzleSkill1VoiceHit
* WozzleSkill2Voice
* WozzleTeleport (teleport (heard by others) set attenuation on this sound.)
* WozzleTeleportSelf (Two variations for the sounds characters make when teleporting, TeleportSelf is the sound that the player that teleports hears, don't set attenuation on this sound. Teleport is heard by others.)


* dieWozzle003
* EndGame_Wozzle003
* kill_Wozzle003
* painLittleWozzle003
* painLotsWozzle003
* playerAttack_Wozzle003
* playerDefend_Wozzle003
* playerHelp_Wozzle003
* playerSpree_Wozzle003
* playerTaunt_Wozzle003
* shopBuy_Wozzle003
* WozzleChosen003
* WozzleSkill1Voice003
* WozzleSkill1VoiceHit003
* WozzleSkill2Voice003
* WozzleTeleport003 (teleport (heard by others) set attenuation on this sound.)
* WozzleTeleportSelf003 (Two variations for the sounds characters make when teleporting, TeleportSelf is the sound that the player that teleports hears, don't set attenuation on this sound. Teleport is heard by others.)

CYBER[ | ]

* DigitalBeep (used in cyber character chosen)


* DroidFall (This is the little saw droid)
* DroidJump (This is the little saw droid)
* DroidWalk
* jumpCreepFlying
* jumpCreepMelee
* jumpCreepMeleeTurn
* landHardCreepFlying
* landHardCreepMelee
* landSoftCreepFlying
* landSoftCreepMelee
* landSoftCreepPart
* meleeAttackCreepMelee (Little Droid with Circle Saw)
* painLittleCreepFlying (This is the little flying droid)
* painLittleCreepMelee (This is the little saw droid)
* painLotsCreepFlying
* painLotsCreepMelee
* WalkCreepMelee1 (little droids with circle saws)
* WalkCreepMelee2 (little droids with circle saws)


* Droppodrail
* OtherPodDrop
* PodDrop
* PodDropAAStart (Droppod Basic - Zork Inc. - Mark I Shoebox)
* PodDropAAStart_intro_0 (Droppod Basic - Zork Inc. - Mark I Shoebox)
* PodDropAAStart_intro_1 (Droppod Basic - Zork Inc. - Mark I Shoebox)
* PodDropAAStart_Other (Droppod Basic - Zork Inc. - Mark I Shoebox)
* PodDropAAStart02 (Droppod Basic - Zork Inc. - Mark I Shoebox)
* PodDropAAStart02_intro_0 (Droppod Basic - Zork Inc. - Mark I Shoebox)
* PodDropAAStart02_intro_1 (Droppod Basic - Zork Inc. - Mark I Shoebox)
* PodDropAAStart02_introAppear_0 (Droppod Basic - Zork Inc. - Mark I Shoebox)
* PodDropAAStart02_introAppear_1 (Droppod Basic - Zork Inc. - Mark I Shoebox)
* PodDropAAStart02AppearLayer (Droppod Basic - Zork Inc. - Mark I Shoebox)
* PodDropAAStart02ThrusterStart (Droppod Basic - Zork Inc. - Mark I Shoebox)
* PodDropAAStartAppear (Droppod Basic - Zork Inc. - Mark I Shoebox)
* PodDropAAStartAppearLayer01 (Droppod Basic - Zork Inc. - Mark I Shoebox)
* PodDropNautuul01 (Droppod Manta - Tier 1 - Nautilon Pod)
* PodDropNautuul01_idle01 (Droppod Xemzen - Tier 1 - Gorgos embryo)
* PodDropNautuul01_idle02 (Droppod Xemzen - Tier 1 - Gorgos embryo)
* PodDropNautuul01_idle03 (Droppod Xemzen - Tier 1 - Gorgos embryo)
* PodDropNautuul01_idle04 (Droppod Xemzen - Tier 1 - Gorgos embryo)
* PodDropNautuul01_intro_0 (Droppod Manta - Tier 1 - Nautilon Pod)
* PodDropNautuul01_intro_1 (Droppod Manta - Tier 1 - Nautilon Pod)
* PodDropNautuul02 (Droppod Manta - Tier 2 - Blue Medusa)
* PodDropNautuul02_idle (Droppod Xemzen - Tier 2 - Plague Needle)
* PodDropNautuul02_idleLayer01 (Droppod Xemzen - Tier 2 - Plague Needle)
* PodDropNautuul02_intro_0 (Droppod Manta - Tier 2 - Blue Medusa)
* PodDropNautuul02_intro_1 (Droppod Manta - Tier 2 - Blue Medusa)
* PodDropNautuul03 (Droppod Manta - Tier 3 - Leviathan)
* PodDropNautuul03_idle01 (Droppod Manta - Tier 3 - Leviathan)
* PodDropNautuul03_idleLayer01 (Droppod Manta - Tier 3 - Leviathan)
* PodDropNautuul03_intro_0 (Droppod Manta - Tier 3 - Leviathan)
* PodDropNautuul03_intro_1 (Droppod Manta - Tier 3 - Leviathan)
* PodDropNautuul03_introAppear_0 (Droppod Manta - Tier 3 - Leviathan)
* PodDropNautuul03_introAppear_1 (Droppod Manta - Tier 3 - Leviathan)
* PodDropNautuul03_introLayer01_0 (Droppod Manta - Tier 3 - Leviathan)
* PodDropNautuul03_introLayer01_1 (Droppod Manta - Tier 3 - Leviathan)
* PodDropNautuul03_introLayer02_0 (Droppod Manta - Tier 3 - Leviathan)
* PodDropNautuul03_introLayer02_1 (Droppod Manta - Tier 3 - Leviathan)
* PodDropNautuul03Appear (Droppod Manta - Tier 3 - Leviathan)
* PodDropNautuul03Layer01 (Droppod Manta - Tier 3 - Leviathan)
* PodDropNautuul03Layer02 (Droppod Manta - Tier 3 - Leviathan)
* PodDropSarcoph01 (Droppod Xemzen - Tier 1 - Gorgos embryo)
* PodDropSarcoph01_intro_0 (Droppod Xemzen - Tier 1 - Gorgos embryo)
* PodDropSarcoph01_intro_1 (Droppod Xemzen - Tier 1 - Gorgos embryo)
* PodDropSarcoph01_introLayer01_0 (Droppod Xemzen - Tier 1 - Gorgos embryo)
* PodDropSarcoph01_introLayer01_1 (Droppod Xemzen - Tier 1 - Gorgos embryo)
* PodDropSarcoph01Layer01 (Droppod Xemzen - Tier 1 - Gorgos embryo)
* PodDropSarcoph01Layer02 (Droppod Xemzen - Tier 2 - Plague Needle)
* PodDropSarcoph02 (Droppod Xemzen - Tier 2 - Plague Needle)
* PodDropSarcoph02_intro_0 (Droppod Xemzen - Tier 2 - Plague Needle)
* PodDropSarcoph02_intro_1 (Droppod Xemzen - Tier 2 - Plague Needle)
* PodDropSarcoph02_introLayer01_0 (Droppod Xemzen - Tier 2 - Plague Needle)
* PodDropSarcoph02_introLayer01_1 (Droppod Xemzen - Tier 2 - Plague Needle)
* PodDropSarcoph02Layer01 (Droppod Xemzen - Tier 2 - Plague Needle)
* PodDropSarcoph02Layer02 (Droppod Xemzen - Tier 2 - Plague Needle)
* PodDropSarcoph02Layer03 (Droppod Xemzen - Tier 2 - Plague Needle)
* PodDropSarcoph03 (Droppod Xemzen - Tier 3 - Dark Weaver)
* PodDropSarcoph03_idleAppear (Droppod Xemzen - Tier 3 - Dark Weaver)
* PodDropSarcoph03_idleDisappear (Droppod Xemzen - Tier 3 - Dark Weaver)
* PodDropSarcoph03_intro_0 (Droppod Xemzen - Tier 3 - Dark Weaver)
* PodDropSarcoph03_intro_1 (Droppod Xemzen - Tier 3 - Dark Weaver)
* PodDropSarcoph03_introAppear_0 (Droppod Xemzen - Tier 3 - Dark Weaver)
* PodDropSarcoph03_introAppear_1 (Droppod Xemzen - Tier 3 - Dark Weaver)
* PodDropSarcoph03_introLayer01_0 (Droppod Xemzen - Tier 3 - Dark Weaver)
* PodDropSarcoph03_introLayer01_1 (Droppod Xemzen - Tier 3 - Dark Weaver)
* PodDropSarcoph03Appear (Droppod Xemzen - Tier 3 - Dark Weaver)
* PodDropSarcoph03Layer01 (Droppod Xemzen - Tier 3 - Dark Weaver)
* PodDropSarcoph03Layer02 (Droppod Xemzen - Tier 3 - Dark Weaver)
* PodDropSarcoph03Layer03 (Droppod Xemzen - Tier 3 - Dark Weaver)
* PodDropSarcoph03Layer04 (Droppod Xemzen - Tier 3 - Dark Weaver)
* PodDropSarcophMetalLayer
* PodDropScissor_idleSparks (Droppod Fotonof SA - Tier 1 - Kosmos DAK wraith)
* PodDropScissor_idleSparksLoop (Droppod Fotonof SA - Tier 1 - Kosmos DAK wraith)
* PodDropScissor01 (Droppod Fotonof SA - Tier 1 - Hellion T-50)
* PodDropScissor01_intro_0 (Droppod Fotonof SA - Tier 1 - Hellion T-50)
* PodDropScissor01_intro_1 (Droppod Fotonof SA - Tier 1 - Hellion T-50)
* PodDropScissor02 (Droppod Fotonof SA - Tier 1 - Kosmos DAK wraith)
* PodDropScissor02_intro_0 (Droppod Fotonof SA - Tier 1 - Kosmos DAK wraith)
* PodDropScissor02_intro_1 (Droppod Fotonof SA - Tier 1 - Kosmos DAK wraith)
* PodDropScissor03 (Droppod Fotonof SA - Tier 3 - Mikolev's Spectre)
* PodDropScissor03_intro_0 (Droppod Fotonof SA - Tier 3 - Mikolev's Spectre)
* PodDropScissor03_intro_1 (Droppod Fotonof SA - Tier 3 - Mikolev's Spectre)
* PodDropScissor03_introAppear_0 (Droppod Fotonof SA - Tier 3 - Mikolev's Spectre)
* PodDropScissor03_introAppear_1 (Droppod Fotonof SA - Tier 3 - Mikolev's Spectre)
* PodDropScissor03Appear (Droppod Fotonof SA - Tier 3 - Mikolev's Spectre)
* PodImpact
* PodInsert
* ShipSpark1
* Spaceship_Sht2
* Spaceship_Sht3
* SpaceshipL2
* SpaceshipLoop
* SpaceShipS2
* SpaceShipS3
* SpaceShipSEnd

YOOLIP002[ | ]

* ElliptoAttachLoop002
* ElliptoBaseAttackStaffHitGround002
* ElliptoBaseAttackSwoosh002
* ElliptoDinoDespawn002
* ElliptoDinoLoop002
* ElliptoDinoMouthClose002
* ElliptoDinoSpawn002
* ElliptoIdleLoop002
* ElliptoIdleLoopLayer002
* ElliptoIdlePunkSounds002
* ElliptoIdleSteam002
* ElliptoSparksLoop002
* ElliptoStaffHit002
* ElliptoTeleportSound002
* PainImpactEllipto002 (Impact sounds welke altijd moeten klinken wanneer een character geraakt wordt! Onderscheid maken tussen metal en Flesh impacts per karakter.)


* ElliptoBaseAttackStaffHitGround
* ElliptoBaseAttackSwoosh
* ElliptoDinoFoostepLeft
* ElliptoDinoFoostepRight
* ElliptoDinoMouthClose
* ElliptoDinoMouthOpen
* ElliptoDinoSpawn
* ElliptoDinoSpawnSpark
* ElliptoGripImpactNoHit
* ElliptoGripStart
* ElliptoShootAttach
* ElliptoShootAttachLoop
* ElliptoSphereEnd
* ElliptoSphereStart
* jumpDownEllipto
* jumpEllipto
* landHardEllipto
* landSoftEllipto
* PainImpactEllipto (Impact sounds welke altijd moeten klinken wanneer een character geraakt wordt! Onderscheid maken tussen metal en Flesh impacts per karakter.)
* PainImpactWakuWaku (Impact sounds welke altijd moeten klinken wanneer een character geraakt wordt! Onderscheid maken tussen metal en Flesh impacts per karakter.)
* PainImpactWakuWaku002 (Impact sounds welke altijd moeten klinken wanneer een character geraakt wordt! Onderscheid maken tussen metal en Flesh impacts per karakter.)
* SlideEllipto
* WalkRightEllipto

YOOLIP003[ | ]

* ElliptoBaseAttackSwoosh003
* ElliptoDieInsertCoin
* ElliptoDinoDeSpawn003
* ElliptoDinoSpawn003
* ElliptoDinoSpawnLoop003
* ElliptoGripAttach003
* ElliptoGripImpactNoHit003
* ElliptoGripStart003
* ElliptoHeal003
* ElliptoHitEnemyLayer003
* ElliptoJump003
* ElliptoJumpLayer003
* landHardEllipto003
* landSoftEllipto003
* WalkElliptoStaffHitGround003
* WalkLeftEllipto003
* WalkRightEllipto003


* EndGame_Spy003
* SpyChosen003


* explosionBulletHeal
* explosionBulletShock
* explosionBulletShockHeal
* explosionBulletSummonDrone
* explosionBulletSummonner
* HealTotemDie
* jumpDownSummoner
* jumpSummoner1
* landHardSummoner
* landSoftSummoner
* PainImpactSummoner (Impact sounds welke altijd moeten klinken wanneer een character geraakt wordt! Onderscheid maken tussen metal en Flesh impacts per karakter.)
* shootBulletSummonDrone
* SmnHealTtem1
* SmnHealTtem2
* SmnHealTtemAttack
* SmnHealTtemF
* SmnHealTtemIdle
* SmnHealTtemLoop
* SmnHealTtmSkin1Loop
* SummonAim1
* SummonerDamageImpact
* SummonerDrones
* SummonerDrones2
* SummonerDroneShoot
* SummonerFly
* SummonerHDamageImpactLayer
* SummonerHealbotGone
* SummonerHealBotLayer
* SummonerHealImpact
* SummonerShoot


* FlameAlarm
* FlameOff
* Flamespout
* FlameThreat

CLUNK[ | ]

* flyTank
* jumpDownTank
* jumpStopTank
* jumpTank
* landHardTank
* landHardTankNew
* landSoftTank
* landSoftTankNew
* painLittleTank
* painLotsTank
* shootBulletFlying
* shootBulletTa
* shootBulletTank
* shootBulletTank2
* shootBulletTank3
* shootBulletTank4
* SlideTank
* TankCharge
* TankChargeFlashNew
* TankChargeSkinChicken
* TankChargeSlow
* TankChargeStart
* TankConsume
* TankExplode
* TankExplode2
* TankExplodeMenu
* TankExplodeNew
* TankExplodeNewCharge
* TankTele
* TankTele8Bit
* WalkTank1
* WalkTank2
* WalkTankNew1
* WalkTankNew2
* WalkTankNewMech1
* WalkTankNewMech2

PENNYFOX002[ | ]

* Fox002Revolver
* Fox002RevolverShell
* Foxy002ShootImpact
* Foxy002Walk_1
* Foxy002Walk_2
* FoxyPounceHowl002
* FoxyPounceHowl003


* FoxJoltExplode (This is renamed to Energy Pulse)
* FoxJoltExplodeLyr (This is renamed to Energy Pulse)
* FoxPounceImpact
* FoxyAttack
* FoxyCharge1
* FoxyCharge2
* FoxyCharge3
* FoxyCharge4
* FoxyCharge5
* FoxyHitImpact
* FoxyJolt (This is renamed to Energy Pulse)
* FoxyJumpSalto
* FoxyPounce
* FoxyPounceHowl
* FoxyShoot
* FoxyShootImpact
* jumpDownFoxy
* JumpFoxy
* landHardFoxy
* landSoftFoxy
* PainImpactAssassin (Impact sounds welke altijd moeten klinken wanneer een character geraakt wordt! Onderscheid maken tussen metal en Flesh impacts per karakter.)
* SlideFoxy
* WalkFoxy1
* WalkFoxy2

PENNYFOX003[ | ]

* FoxyAttack003
* FoxyHitImpact003
* FoxyShoot003


* Freepoints_Start

GNAW002[ | ]

* Gnaw_pl_Bee

GNAW[ | ]

* Gnaw_pl_fall
* Gnaw_pl_jaw
* Gnaw_pl_smash
* Gnaw_pl_spawn
* Gnaw_spit
* Gnaw_spit_voice
* GnawAttack
* GnawAttack_v
* GnawBotAttack
* GnawbotAttack_v
* GnawbotSpawned
* GnawSpawned
* GnawSpitImpact
* IdleGnawBee
* jumpDownMaw
* jumpMaw
* landHardMaw
* landSoftMaw
* MawWeedlingHeal (Gnaw Weedling heal)
* PainImpactMaw (Impact sounds welke altijd moeten klinken wanneer een character geraakt wordt! Onderscheid maken tussen metal en Flesh impacts per karakter.)
* shootGnaw
* shootGnaw_plant
* SlideGnaw
* SlideGnawbot
* WalkGnaw1
* WalkGnaw2
* WalkGnawBee
* WalkGnawbot1
* WalkGnawbot2

GNAW003[ | ]

* Gnawbot_spit_voice
* landHardMaw003
* landSoftMaw003
* painLittleMaw003
* painLotsMaw003


* GnawRiachi_Maraca
* GnawRiachi_MaracaLoop

SHOP[ | ]

* HealPad_AddHealth
* shopactiveloop
* shopjumpdown
* shopjumpup
* Shop-Loop
* Shop-Loop2


* HeavyUnlocked


* HunterUnlocked

HYPER002[ | ]

* Hyper2BikeTurret
* Hyper2BikeTurretLayer
* Hyper2ShootNormal
* Hyper2ShootNormalFlame
* HyperBikeFlames002
* HyperFlyingLoop002
* HyperGhostFX002
* HyperGrenadeDeployLayer002
* HyperTurretShoot002
* jumpHyper002
* PainImpactHyper002 (Impact sounds welke altijd moeten klinken wanneer een character geraakt wordt! Onderscheid maken tussen metal en Flesh impacts per karakter.)
* WalkLeftHyper2
* WalkRightHyper2

HYPER001[ | ]

* HyperBikeFlames
* HyperBikeTurretShoot
* HyperFlyingLoop
* HyperFlyingStart
* HyperFlyingStop
* HyperGrenadeDeploy
* HyperGrenadeExplode
* HyperGrenadePrepare
* HyperGrenadeThrow
* HyperShootNormal
* HyperShootStunBullet
* HyperTurretDeploy
* HyperTurretShoot
* jumpHyper
* landHardHyper
* landSoftHyper
* PainImpactHyper (Impact sounds welke altijd moeten klinken wanneer een character geraakt wordt! Onderscheid maken tussen metal en Flesh impacts per karakter.)
* WalkLeftHyper
* WalkRightHyper

HYPER003[ | ]

* HyperBikeFlames003_0
* HyperBikeFlames003_1
* HyperBikeTurretShoot003
* HyperFlyingLoop003
* HyperFlyingStart003
* HyperFlyingStop003
* HyperGrenadeDeploy003
* HyperGrenadeExplode003
* HyperGrenadePrepare003
* HyperShootNormal003
* HyperShootStunBullet003
* HyperTurretDeploy003
* HyperTurretShoot003


* impactRoshan
* jumpDownHunter
* jumpHunter
* landHardHunter
* landSoftHunter
* PainImpactHunter (Impact sounds welke altijd moeten klinken wanneer een character geraakt wordt! Onderscheid maken tussen metal en Flesh impacts per karakter.)
* RoshanAim
* RoshanAimGrnd
* RoshanFireSniper
* RoshanHitSniper
* RoshanLoadSniper
* RoshanSniperCharged
* RoshanSniperHitEnemy
* RoshanStasisGrndThrow
* RoshanStasisWallFlash
* RoshanStasisWallLoop
* RoshanStasisWallStart
* RoshanStasisWallStop
* RoshanUnLoadSniper
* shootRoshan
* shootRoshanBig
* SlideHunter
* SpeedupHunter
* WalkHunter1
* WalkHunter2

IntroDoor[ | ]

* introdoor_countdown
* introdoor_open

IntroScreen[ | ]

* introscreen_countdown_blue
* introscreen_countdown_GO
* introscreen_logo_fade_in
* introscreen_logo_fade_out
* introscreen_podflash
* introscreen_wind_loop


* JetterUnlocked

FROGGYG004[ | ]

* jumpDasher004
* PainImpactDasher004 (Impact sounds welke altijd moeten klinken wanneer een character geraakt wordt! Onderscheid maken tussen metal en Flesh impacts per karakter.)

SCOOP[ | ]

* jumpDownPaladin
* landHardPaladin
* landSoftPaladin
* PainImpactPaladin (Impact sounds welke altijd moeten klinken wanneer een character geraakt wordt! Onderscheid maken tussen metal en Flesh impacts per karakter.)
* Paladin_hammer_bounce
* Paladin_hammer_explode
* Paladin_hammer_impact
* Paladin_Heal
* Paladin_Heal_Explode
* Paladin_jump
* Paladin_Sword_upgrade
* Paladin_throw
* Paladin_walk_left
* Paladin_walk_right
* PaladinAttackHeavy
* PaladinAttackImpact
* PaladinAttackLight

AYLA[ | ]

* jumpDownVampire
* jumpVampire
* landHardVampire
* landSoftVampire
* PainImpactVampire (Impact sounds welke altijd moeten klinken wanneer een character geraakt wordt! Onderscheid maken tussen metal en Flesh impacts per karakter.)
* SlideVampire
* VampireAttack
* VampireAttackImpact
* VampireEye
* VampireEyeExplode
* VampireTransform
* VampireTransformEnd
* VampireTransformLoop
* WalkVampire1

CLUNK003[ | ]

* jumpTank003
* shootBulletTank003
* TankChargeSkin2
* TankChargeSkin2Menu
* TankExplodeSkin2

WOZZLE003[ | ]

* JumpVengeanceWozzle003
* JumpWozzle003
* LandWozzleVengeance003
* SlideWozzle3
* WalkWozzle3Left
* WalkWozzle3Right
* WozzlePrecisionArrow003
* WozzleSkill1Shot003


* jumpWakuWaku
* landHardWakuWaku
* landSoftWakuWaku
* WakuWaku_Footstep_Left
* WakuWaku_Footstep_Right
* WakuWaku_Hit_Target
* WakuWaku_Rockets_Reloaded
* WakuWaku001_Rocket
* WakuWakuFireBigRocket
* WakuWakuFireBigRocketExplosion
* WakuWakuFireMine
* WakuWakuFireRocket
* WakuWakuFireRocketExplosion
* WakuWakuMineArmed_End
* WakuWakuMineArmed_Loop
* WakuWakuMineArmed_Start
* WakuWakuReloadRocket


* jumpWakuWaku002
* landHardWakuWaku002
* landSoftWakuWaku002
* WakuWaku_Footstep_Left002
* WakuWaku_Footstep_Right002
* WakuWaku_Hit_Target002
* WakuWaku_Rockets_Reloaded002
* WakuWaku001_Rocket002
* WakuWakuFireBigRocket002
* WakuWakuFireBigRocketExplosion002
* WakuWakuFireMine002
* WakuWakuFireRocket002
* WakuWakuFireRocketExplosion002
* WakuWakuFireRocketLayer002
* WakuWakuGrinderSqueak002
* WakuWakuMineArmed_End002
* WakuWakuMineArmed_Loop002
* WakuWakuMineArmed_Start002
* WakuWakuReloadRocket002
* WakuWakuTeleMouse002

WORM[ | ]

* jumpWorm
* landWorm
* SandWormActive
* SandWormJaw1
* SandWormStart
* WalkWorm1
* WalkWorm2


* jumpWozzle
* PainImpactWozzle (Impact sounds welke altijd moeten klinken wanneer een character geraakt wordt! Onderscheid maken tussen metal en Flesh impacts per karakter.)
* WalkWozzleLeft
* WalkWozzleRight
* WozzleActiveSkill
* WozzleActiveSkill003
* WozzleArrowFly
* WozzleArrowHit
* WozzleArrowNoHit
* WozzleArrowNoHit003
* WozzleShootNormal
* WozzleShootNormal003
* WozzleSkill1Shot
* WozzleSkill2Shot
* WozzleSkill2ShotCharge
* WozzleSkill2ShotLayer003
* WozzleSkillFireReady
* WozzleSkillReadyLoop
* WozzleSkillTimeReady


* landHardDasher


* landHardPoacher
* landHardPoacher002
* landSoftPoacher
* landSoftPoacher002
* PainImpactPoacher (Impact sounds welke altijd moeten klinken wanneer een character geraakt wordt! Onderscheid maken tussen metal en Flesh impacts per karakter.)
* PainImpactPoacher002 (Impact sounds welke altijd moeten klinken wanneer een character geraakt wordt! Onderscheid maken tussen metal en Flesh impacts per karakter.)
* Poacher_attached_loop
* Poacher_attached_loop002
* Poacher_Attached_Start
* Poacher_fire_burning_loop
* Poacher_FireBreath_Loop
* Poacher_FireBreath_Loop002
* Poacher_FireBreath_Start
* Poacher_FireBreath_Start002
* Poacher_Jump
* Poacher_Jump002
* Poacher_RopeMiss
* Poacher_Skill1_TrappersHook
* Poacher_Skill1_TrappersHook_impact
* Poacher_Skill1_TrappersHook_impact002
* Poacher_Skill1_TrappersHook_Trail
* Poacher_Skill1_TrappersHook_Trail002
* Poacher_Skill1_TrappersHook002
* Poacher_Skill2_TailWhip
* Poacher_Skill2_TailWhip_impact
* Poacher_Skill2_TailWhip_SparksLayer
* Poacher_Skill2_TailWhip002
* Poacher_Walk_Left
* Poacher_Walk_Left002
* Poacher_Walk_Right
* Poacher_Walk_Right002
* SlidePoacher


* LandHardRascal
* LandSoftRascal
* RascalFootstep_left
* RascalFootstep_right
* RascalGroundPound
* RascalJump
* RascalJump002
* RascalShootNormal
* RascalShootNormal002
* RascalSkill_Start
* RascalSkill_Start002
* RascalSkillDash002

IX[ | ]

* LandHardShifter
* LandHardShifter002
* LandSoftShifter
* LandSoftShifter002
* PainImpactShifter (Impact sounds welke altijd moeten klinken wanneer een character geraakt wordt! Onderscheid maken tussen metal en Flesh impacts per karakter.)
* ShifterAttachAllyLoop
* ShifterAttachAllyLoop002
* ShifterAttachEnemyLoop
* ShifterAttachEnemyLoop002
* ShifterDisplaceEnd
* ShifterDisplaceEnd002
* ShifterDisplaceProgress
* ShifterDisplaceStart
* ShifterDisplaceStart002
* ShifterJump
* ShifterJump002
* ShifterJumpDouble
* ShifterJumpDouble002
* ShifterShieldEnd
* ShifterShieldLoop
* ShifterShieldLoop002
* ShifterShieldStart002
* ShifterShift
* ShifterShiftGlowLoop
* ShifterShiftGlowLoop002
* ShifterShiftRocks
* ShifterShootImpact
* ShifterShootImpact002
* ShifterShootNormal
* ShifterShootNormal002
* ShifterSkillShoot
* ShifterSkillShoot002
* ShifterWalkLoop
* ShifterWalkLoop002
* SlideShifter


* LittleTankDrive (Starstorm map creep / Little tank)
* LittleTankExplode (Starstorm map creep / Little tank)


* lowHealthLoop


* m_recruitment_finished
* m_recruitment_finished1
* m_recruitment_finished2
* m_recruitment_finished3
* m_recruitment_goToArmory
* m_recruitment_goToProfile
* tut_sc2_001CR
* tut_sc2_002SL
* tut_sc2_003CR
* tut_sc2_004SL
* tut_sc2_005CR
* tut_sc2_006SL
* tut_sc2_007CR
* tut_sc2_008SL
* tut_sc2_009CR
* tut_sc2_010SL
* tutorial_button_highlight
* tutorial_contextual_popup_appear
* tutorial_contextual_popup_dissappear
* tutorial_menu_blue_lines_appear
* tutorial_open_shop_menu
* tutorial_pt1_ally_died
* tutorial_pt1_another_kill
* tutorial_pt1_attack_base
* tutorial_pt1_buy_upgrades
* tutorial_pt1_clunk_defeated
* tutorial_pt1_cooldowns
* tutorial_pt1_defeat_clunk
* tutorial_pt1_defend_turrets_drill
* tutorial_pt1_drill_core_objective
* tutorial_pt1_drill_core_reminder
* tutorial_pt1_droid_blaster
* tutorial_pt1_droid_retry
* tutorial_pt1_droid_skills
* tutorial_pt1_droid_skills_retry
* tutorial_pt1_droids_are_cover
* tutorial_pt1_end_loss
* tutorial_pt1_end_win
* tutorial_pt1_end_win_3
* tutorial_pt1_enemies_respawn
* tutorial_pt1_explain_game
* tutorial_pt1_flavour_button_pressed
* tutorial_pt1_flavour_clone
* tutorial_pt1_flavour_defeated_clunk
* tutorial_pt1_flavour_defeated_solarboss
* tutorial_pt1_flavour_froggy
* tutorial_pt1_flavour_goto_clunk
* tutorial_pt1_flavour_points
* tutorial_pt1_flavour_power
* tutorial_pt1_flavour_practice
* tutorial_pt1_flavour_raelynn
* tutorial_pt1_flavour_recruits
* tutorial_pt1_flavour_shop
* tutorial_pt1_flavour_solarboss
* tutorial_pt1_fourth_row
* tutorial_pt1_go_up
* tutorial_pt1_godown_reminder
* tutorial_pt1_goto_shop
* tutorial_pt1_goup_reminder
* tutorial_pt1_head_out
* tutorial_pt1_head_out_reminder
* tutorial_pt1_heal_area_shop
* tutorial_pt1_health_recovered
* tutorial_pt1_low_health
* tutorial_pt1_open_shop
* tutorial_pt1_practice_finished
* tutorial_pt1_pre_give_try
* tutorial_pt1_pre_introduction
* tutorial_pt1_pre_reminder
* tutorial_pt1_pre_text_welcome
* tutorial_pt1_red_left_blue_right
* tutorial_pt1_retry_defeat_clunk
* tutorial_pt1_secret_found
* tutorial_pt1_shop_unlocks
* tutorial_pt1_skills_enabled
* tutorial_pt1_solar
* tutorial_pt1_start_jump
* tutorial_pt1_start_respawn_clunk
* tutorial_pt1_start_respawn_droid
* tutorial_pt1_start_respawn_minilevel
* tutorial_pt1_start_welcome
* tutorial_pt1_teams_of_3
* tutorial_pt1_teleport_reminder
* tutorial_pt1_teleport_to_base
* tutorial_pt1_turret_alone
* tutorial_pt1_turrets_before_drill
* tutorial_pt1_unique_shop
* tutorial_pt1_upgrade_reminder
* tutorial_pt1_welcome_to_base
* tutorial_pt2_afk1
* tutorial_pt2_afk2
* tutorial_pt2_ally_attacks_base1
* tutorial_pt2_ally_attacks_base2
* tutorial_pt2_ally_attacks_base3
* tutorial_pt2_ally_made_kill1
* tutorial_pt2_ally_made_kill2
* tutorial_pt2_ally_made_kill3
* tutorial_pt2_attack_base1
* tutorial_pt2_attack_base2
* tutorial_pt2_attack_base3
* tutorial_pt2_bottom_back_turret_lost
* tutorial_pt2_bottom_front_turret_lost
* tutorial_pt2_critters1
* tutorial_pt2_critters2
* tutorial_pt2_critters3
* tutorial_pt2_danger_turret1
* tutorial_pt2_danger_turret2
* tutorial_pt2_danger_turret3
* tutorial_pt2_defend_base1
* tutorial_pt2_defend_base2
* tutorial_pt2_defend_base3
* tutorial_pt2_defend_bottom1
* tutorial_pt2_defend_bottom2
* tutorial_pt2_defend_top1
* tutorial_pt2_defend_top2
* tutorial_pt2_destroy_turret1
* tutorial_pt2_destroy_turret2
* tutorial_pt2_destroy_turret3
* tutorial_pt2_different_jumps
* tutorial_pt2_do_kill1
* tutorial_pt2_do_kill2
* tutorial_pt2_do_kill3
* tutorial_pt2_downjump1
* tutorial_pt2_downjump2
* tutorial_pt2_downjump3
* tutorial_pt2_end_loss
* tutorial_pt2_end_win
* tutorial_pt2_end_win_3
* tutorial_pt2_enemy_made_kill1
* tutorial_pt2_enemy_made_kill2
* tutorial_pt2_enemy_made_kill3
* tutorial_pt2_enemy_turret_destroyed_other1
* tutorial_pt2_enemy_turret_destroyed_other2
* tutorial_pt2_enemy_turret_destroyed_other3
* tutorial_pt2_enemy_turret_destroyed_other4
* tutorial_pt2_enemy_turret_destroyed_self1
* tutorial_pt2_enemy_turret_destroyed_self2
* tutorial_pt2_enemy_turret_destroyed_self3
* tutorial_pt2_enemy_turret_destroyed_self4
* tutorial_pt2_flavour_critters1
* tutorial_pt2_flavour_critters2
* tutorial_pt2_flavour_doing_good
* tutorial_pt2_flavour_minimap
* tutorial_pt2_flavour_the_one
* tutorial_pt2_flavour_tips
* tutorial_pt2_go_back_shop1
* tutorial_pt2_go_back_shop2
* tutorial_pt2_go_back_shop3
* tutorial_pt2_goal_reminder1
* tutorial_pt2_goal_reminder2
* tutorial_pt2_goal_reminder3
* tutorial_pt2_goodjob_base1
* tutorial_pt2_goodjob_base2
* tutorial_pt2_goodjob_base3
* tutorial_pt2_goodjob_turret1
* tutorial_pt2_goodjob_turret2
* tutorial_pt2_goodjob_turret3
* tutorial_pt2_help_droids1
* tutorial_pt2_help_droids2
* tutorial_pt2_help_droids3
* tutorial_pt2_hide_area1
* tutorial_pt2_hide_area2
* tutorial_pt2_hide_area3
* tutorial_pt2_levelup_ahead
* tutorial_pt2_levelup_behind
* tutorial_pt2_levelup_equal
* tutorial_pt2_low_health1
* tutorial_pt2_low_health2
* tutorial_pt2_low_health3
* tutorial_pt2_low_hp_cooldown
* tutorial_pt2_made_kill1
* tutorial_pt2_made_kill2
* tutorial_pt2_made_kill3
* tutorial_pt2_minimap
* tutorial_pt2_move_right
* tutorial_pt2_open_door
* tutorial_pt2_post_awesomepoints
* tutorial_pt2_post_congratulations
* tutorial_pt2_post_goToArmory
* tutorial_pt2_post_goToCoopVSBots
* tutorial_pt2_post_goToProfile
* tutorial_pt2_post_goToTutorial
* tutorial_pt2_practice_finished
* tutorial_pt2_pre_awesomepoints
* tutorial_pt2_pre_awesomepoints_3
* tutorial_pt2_pre_second_mission
* tutorial_pt2_recommended_items
* tutorial_pt2_respawn1
* tutorial_pt2_respawn2
* tutorial_pt2_spawn_shop1
* tutorial_pt2_spawn_shop2
* tutorial_pt2_spawn1
* tutorial_pt2_spawn2
* tutorial_pt2_spawn3
* tutorial_pt2_status_good1
* tutorial_pt2_status_good2
* tutorial_pt2_status_good3
* tutorial_pt2_status_neutral1
* tutorial_pt2_status_neutral2
* tutorial_pt2_status_neutral3
* tutorial_pt2_status_not_good1
* tutorial_pt2_status_not_good2
* tutorial_pt2_status_not_good3
* tutorial_pt2_superdroid
* tutorial_pt2_survived1
* tutorial_pt2_survived2
* tutorial_pt2_survived3
* tutorial_pt2_tab_instruction
* tutorial_pt2_too_many_enemies1
* tutorial_pt2_too_many_enemies2
* tutorial_pt2_too_many_enemies3
* tutorial_pt2_top_back_turret_lost
* tutorial_pt2_top_front_turret_lost
* tutorial_pt2_welcome1
* tutorial_pt2_welcome2
* tutorial_pt3_end_loss
* tutorial_pt3_end_win
* tutorial_pt3_pre_third_mission
* tutorial_rewardscreen_awesomepoints_unlock
* tutorial_shopmenu_unlocked
* tutorial_sign_restore_health
* tutorial_text_appears
* tutorial_text_dissappears
* tutorial_turret_alarm_loop
* TutorialDroppod
* whatsNew_40_armory_fluff
* whatsNew_40_currency_fluff
* whatsNew_40_droppods_fluff
* whatsNew_40_emblems_fluff
* whatsNew_40_friends_fluffA
* whatsNew_40_friends_fluffB
* whatsNew_40_metagame_fluff
* whatsNew_40_overview_fluff
* whatsNew_40_vsbots_fluff


* MawUnlocked


* MawUnlocked004


* meleeAttackChameleon004
* PainImpactChameleon004 (Impact sounds welke altijd moeten klinken wanneer een character geraakt wordt! Onderscheid maken tussen metal en Flesh impacts per karakter.)
* WalkChameleon1004
* WalkChameleon2004


* menuCharacterRewardPopup
* menuProfileRewardPopup
* metagameAwesomepoints
* metagameCharacterUnlock
* metagameDroppodparts
* metagameLevelup
* metagameProgressbarFill
* rewardscreen_awesomepoints_slide_in
* rewardscreen_character_slide_in
* rewardscreen_circle_character_appears
* rewardscreen_circle_fills_loop
* rewardscreen_circle_profile_appears
* rewardscreen_levelup_character
* rewardscreen_levelup_glow_effect
* rewardscreen_shop_item_unlocked

Rewardscreen[ | ]

* menuCharacterSwoosh

ORB[ | ]

* OrbAppear


* PainImpactBoizor (Impact sounds welke altijd moeten klinken wanneer een character geraakt wordt! Onderscheid maken tussen metal en Flesh impacts per karakter.)


* PainImpactBoizor002 (Impact sounds welke altijd moeten klinken wanneer een character geraakt wordt! Onderscheid maken tussen metal en Flesh impacts per karakter.)


* PainImpactCaptain002 (Impact sounds welke altijd moeten klinken wanneer een character geraakt wordt! Onderscheid maken tussen metal en Flesh impacts per karakter.)


* PainImpactDroids (Impact sounds welke altijd moeten klinken wanneer een character geraakt wordt! Onderscheid maken tussen metal en Flesh impacts per karakter.)


* PainImpactFlesh (This is the generic flesh impact sound)


* PainImpactMetal (This is the generic metal impact sound)

SKREE[ | ]

* PainImpactShaman (Impact sounds welke altijd moeten klinken wanneer een character geraakt wordt! Onderscheid maken tussen metal en Flesh impacts per karakter.)
* Skree_Fall
* Skree_Idle
* Skree_Jump
* Skree_Land
* Skree_Lightning
* Skree_Saw_Bullet
* Skree_Saw_Hit
* Skree_Saw_Layer
* Skree_Saw_Loop
* Skree_Saw_Return
* Skree_Shoot
* Skree_Skill_1
* Skree_Skill_2
* Skree_Slide
* Skree_Spark_Hit
* Skree_sparks
* Skree_Totem_Implode
* Skree_Totem_Slow
* Skree_TtmSpark
* Skree_Walk

IX2[ | ]

* PainImpactShifter002 (Impact sounds welke altijd moeten klinken wanneer een character geraakt wordt! Onderscheid maken tussen metal en Flesh impacts per karakter.)


* PainImpactSpy (Impact sounds welke altijd moeten klinken wanneer een character geraakt wordt! Onderscheid maken tussen metal en Flesh impacts per karakter.)
* Sentry_Idle_Phone
* Sentry_Pickup_Phone
* Sentry_Pickup_Voice
* SentryShootExplode
* SentryShootGun
* SentryShootLoop
* SentryShootLoopLayer
* Spy_BlackHole
* Spy_BlackHole003
* Spy_BlackHoleExplosion
* Spy_BlackHoleExplosion003
* Spy_BlackHoleShoot
* Spy_BlackHoleShoot003
* Spy_Shield
* Spy_Shield_Layer
* Spy_Shield_Start
* Spy_Shield_Stop
* Spy_TeleBeacon_Drop
* Spy_TeleBeaconLoop
* Spy_Teleport
* Spy_Teleport003
* sx_JumpDouble
* sx_JumpLayer
* sx_JumpStart
* sx_LandHard
* sx_LandSoft
* sx_Slide
* sx_Slide003
* sx_WalkLoop
* sx_WalkLoop003

SENTRY003[ | ]

* PainImpactSpy003 (Impact sounds welke altijd moeten klinken wanneer een character geraakt wordt! Onderscheid maken tussen metal en Flesh impacts per karakter.)
* Spy_MineExplode003
* Spy_Shield_Start003
* Spy_Shield_Stop003
* Spy_Shield003
* Spy_ShootNormal003
* Spy_TeleBeacon_Drop003
* sx_JumpLayer003
* sx_JumpStart003
* sx_LandHard003
* sx3_landsoft


* PainImpactWarrior (Impact sounds welke altijd moeten klinken wanneer een character geraakt wordt! Onderscheid maken tussen metal en Flesh impacts per karakter.)
* WarriorAttack1
* WarriorAttack2
* WarriorAttack3
* WarriorAttack3Layer
* WarriorAttackRattle
* WarriorBarrageExplode
* WarriorBarrageFire
* WarriorBarrageFireLayer
* WarriorBarrageStart
* WarriorDash
* WarriorDashExplode
* WarriorDashLayer
* WarriorDashStart
* WarriorDashStop
* WarriorDoubleJump
* WarriorEarthquake
* WarriorFlames
* WarriorGroundImpact
* WarriorIdleRattle
* WarriorJump
* WarriorLandHard
* WarriorLandSoft
* WarriorShieldLoop
* WarriorSlide
* WarriorSwoosh
* WarriorWalkingLayerLeft
* WarriorWalkingLayerRight
* WarriorWalkingLoop
* WarriorWalkingSwoosh
* WarriorWalkRattle

BABYLUX002[ | ]

* PainImpactWarrior002 (Impact sounds welke altijd moeten klinken wanneer een character geraakt wordt! Onderscheid maken tussen metal en Flesh impacts per karakter.)
* Warrior2Attack1
* Warrior2Attack2
* Warrior2Attack3
* Warrior2AttackSwoosh
* Warrior2BarrageFire
* Warrior2DoubleJump
* Warrior2Jump
* Warrior2WalkingLoop
* WarriorAttackSteam002
* WarriorDash002
* WarriorDashStop002
* WarriorIdleSteam002
* WarriorLandHard002
* WarriorLandSoft002
* WarriorTeleportHelmet002
* WarriorTeleportLaugh

SCOOP002[ | ]

* Paladin_hammer_explode002
* Paladin_hammer_impact002
* Paladin_Heal_Explode002
* Paladin_Heal002
* Paladin_Sword_upgrade002
* Paladin_throw002

SCOOP003[ | ]

* Paladin_hammer_explode003
* Paladin_Heal_Explode003
* Paladin_Heal003
* Paladin_throw003
* PaladinAttack1_003
* PaladinAttack2_003

SCOOP004[ | ]

* Paladin_hammer_impact004
* Paladin_Heal_OverTime004
* Paladin_Heal004
* Paladin_jump004
* Paladin_Sword_upgrade004
* Paladin_throw004
* PaladinAttack1_004
* PaladinAttack2_004
* PaladinAttackImpact004
* PaladinMangaExplode004
* PaladinTeleportFF7
* PaladinTeleportSword004


* PaladinUnlocked


* PaladinUnlocked002


* PartyLoop (SPECIAL EVENTS / HOLIDAY SOUNDS X-mas level skin sounds)
* SuddenDeathExplode
* SuddenDeathTimer
* XmasJBellsLoop (SPECIAL EVENTS / HOLIDAY SOUNDS X-mas level skin sounds)


* PlayerHasSpawned_Wozzle


* PlayerHasSpawned_Wozzle003

SENTRY002[ | ]

* Sentry_Idle_Punch002
* Sentry_Idle_Start002
* Sentry002JumpBoost
* Sentry002Shoot
* Spy_TeleBeacon_Drop002
* Spy_TeleBeaconLoop002


* shootBruteFist (combo1 and 2(used by brute 001 and 003 and 004))
* shootBruteFistCharge (combo1and2(used by brute 001 and 003 and 004))
* shootBruteFistSwoosh (combo1and2(used by brute 001 and 003 and 004))

LONESTAR003[ | ]

* shootBulletCowboy002
* shootBulletCowboy003

CLUNK004[ | ]

* shootBulletTankLayer004

CLUNK002[ | ]

* shootBulletTankReload002
* TankChargeSkin1


* shopBuy
* shopBuyFailAlreadyBought
* shopBuyFailMissingAchievement
* shopBuyFailMissingBlueprint
* shopBuyFailMissingRequirements
* shopBuyFailNotEnoughMoney
* shopBuyFailShopDisabled
* shopBuySkill
* shopBuyStop
* shopCategoryUnlock
* shopClose
* shopInfoSwitch
* shopOpen
* shopScroll
* shopScrollFail
* shopUndo
* shopUndoRollover

SKREE003[ | ]

* Skree_Fall003
* Skree_Idle003
* Skree_Jump003
* Skree_Land003
* Skree_Saw_Layer003
* Skree_Shoot003
* Skree_Skill_1003
* Skree_Slide003
* Skree_Spark_Hit003
* Skree_Totem_Implode003
* Skree_Walk003

SKREE002[ | ]

* Skree_Saw_Layer002
* Skree_Saw_Loop002
* Skree_Saw_Return002
* Skree_Skill_1002
* Skree_Skill_2002
* Skree_Totem_Implode002

VOLTAR004[ | ]

* SmnHealTtm004
* SummonerDroneShoot004
* SummonerFly004


* SmokeMusic


* SpaceBallBase (Moving ball thing in background of level AI Station 404)
* SpaceBallCl (Moving ball thing in background of level AI Station 404)
* SpaceBallOp (Moving ball thing in background of level AI Station 404)
* waterfall


* SpyUnlocked


* StarSAlarmActiveLoop (Ambience sounds in Starstorm Map)
* StarsEngineLoop (Ambience sounds in Starstorm Map)
* StarsEngineOutsideLoop (Ambience sounds in Starstorm Map)
* StarsEngineSparksLoop (Ambience sounds in Starstorm Map)
* StarSGrinderAlarm (Ambience sounds in Starstorm Map)
* StarSGunLoader (Ambience sounds in Starstorm Map)
* StarSGunLoader_Active_FireDistant (Ambience sounds in Starstorm Map)
* StarSGunLoader_Active_part1 (Ambience sounds in Starstorm Map)
* StarSGunLoader_Active_part2 (Ambience sounds in Starstorm Map)
* StarSGunLoader_Active_part3 (Ambience sounds in Starstorm Map)
* StarSGunLoader_Active_part4 (Ambience sounds in Starstorm Map)
* StarSGunLoader_Ignition_Muffled_Part1 (Ambience sounds in Starstorm Map)
* StarSGunLoader_Ignition_Muffled_Part2 (Ambience sounds in Starstorm Map)
* StarSGunLoader_Ignition_start (Ambience sounds in Starstorm Map)
* StarSGunLoader_Start (Ambience sounds in Starstorm Map)
* StarSLaserGunCharge (Ambience sounds in Starstorm Map)
* StarSLaserGunShoot (Ambience sounds in Starstorm Map)
* StarSLoader_off (Ambience sounds in Starstorm Map)
* StarSLoader_on (Ambience sounds in Starstorm Map)
* StarSLoader2ActiveLoop (Ambience sounds in Starstorm Map)
* StarSLoader2End (Ambience sounds in Starstorm Map)
* StarSLoader2Start (Ambience sounds in Starstorm Map)
* StarSLoaderActiveLoop (Ambience sounds in Starstorm Map)
* StarSLoaderEnd (Ambience sounds in Starstorm Map)
* StarSLoaderStart (Ambience sounds in Starstorm Map)
* StarSNeonFlicker (Ambience sounds in Starstorm Map)
* StarSNeonLoop (Ambience sounds in Starstorm Map)
* StarSNeonSparks (Ambience sounds in Starstorm Map)
* StarsPumpLoop (Ambience sounds in Starstorm Map)
* StarsRoomHumLoop (Ambience sounds in Starstorm Map)
* StarSSentryActivate (Ambience sounds in Starstorm Map)
* StarsSentryAssemblyLoop (Ambience sounds in Starstorm Map)


* SummonerUnlocked


* TankUnlocked


* Teleport1
* Teleport2


* tutorial_instructor_fly_loop
* tutorial_instructor_sparks
* tutorial_instructor_wiggle_antenna


* UberCreepBullet (Big droid that appears after you've destroyed a turret)
* UberCreepBulletSlide (Big droid that appears after you've destroyed a turret)
* UberCreepHatchCl (Big droid that appears after you've destroyed a turret)
* UberCreepHatchOp (Big droid that appears after you've destroyed a turret)
* UberCreepJet (Big droid that appears after tuuret is destroyed)
* UberCreepShoot (Big droid that appears after you've destroyed a turret)

AYLA004[ | ]

* VampireAttack004
* VampireAttackImpact004
* VampireAttackSaber004
* VampireEye004
* VampireTransform004
* VampireTransformLoop004


* VampireUnlocked


* WakuWakuEncounterYoolip


* WalkBruteLeft004_0
* WalkBruteRight004_0

Yoolip[ | ]

* WalkElliptoStaffHitGround
* WalkLeftEllipto

WOZZLE002[ | ]

* WozzleArrowCharge002
* WozzleArrowExplode002
* WozzleArrowHit002
* WozzleShootNormal002
* WozzleSkill1Shot002
* WozzleSkill1ShotLayer003
* WozzleSkill2Shot002
* WozzleSkillReadyLoop002


* WozzleUnlocked