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Obstacle are used to create floor, wall, ceiling, etc.

Field Description Possible values Type
startPosition The X and Y coordinates of the starting position of an obstacle. This is used in collaboration with endPosition to make an obstacle move. If these are the same values as endPosition the obstacle won´t move. Position ([ x ] [ y ])
endPosition The X and Y coordinates of the end position of an obstacle. This is used in collaboration with startPosition to make an obstacle move. If these are the same values as startPosition the obstacle won´t move. Position ([ x ] [ y ])
textureName The name of a texture you want to set for that obstacle. canGenerateProceduralLevelArt has to be unticked for it to work. Textures doesn't have a lot of option while put on obstacles. (See also [textures]) Text
hasBottomCollision Unchecking this will make the Obstacle into a glass platform (you will be able to jump through it from below).canGenerateProceduralLevelArt doesn't need to be enabled to have a glass platform texture and you can disable the glass texture using "generateGlassPlatformVisual". Yes / No
enterableByTeams If certain teams can go through it. If left blank no teams can go through it. Turns the texture into a team barrier if canGenerateProcedualLevelArt is enabled. TEAM_ZERO, TEAM_ONE, TEAM_NONE (use a blank space to put multiples team) Text
ignoreCollisionOfType Setting to 'TURRET' allows turrets to shoot through the obstacle. 'INVISIBLE' allows Ksenia's knives and Qi'Tara's chakram to pass through. TURRET, INVISIBLE Text
generateGlassPlatformVisual Creates a glass platform visual when enabled and hasBottomCollision is unchecked. Yes / No
glassPlatformShrinkAmount Shrinks the visual, but not the hitbox. Number
disableCollisionWhenButtonActive Tick this if you want to disable the collision when the button associated (using the "name" field) to the obstacle is down. Yes / No
canGenerateProceduralLevelArt If enabled will create textures for the obstacle (obstacle texture, team barrier, glass platform) Yes / No